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FM 2006相关(8月12日更新在6楼,游戏增加Xbox平台)

发表于 2005-5-10 17:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<P><FONT color=#ff0033 size=7><STRONG>请勿灌水!</STRONG></FONT></P>
<P><STRONG><FONT color=#ff0033 size=3>PS:任何类似“期待啊,支持”等回复都会被视为灌水而删除,所以请大家注意,不要回复没有实质内容的帖子,本帖只接受关于FM 2006的评论或发表意见之用。</FONT></STRONG></P>
<P><STRONG><FONT color=#ff0033 size=3>————————————————————————</FONT></STRONG></P>
<P><FONT size=5><STRONG>游戏发售日期:2005年11月4日</STRONG></FONT></P>
<P>Skill, luck and the tactics you employ will ultimately decide your fate in this year’s un-missable Football Manager&#8482; 2006 on PC and Mac.<br><br>LONDON, UK – May 6th, 2005 - SEGA Europe Ltd is proud to announce the next step in Sports Interactive's genre-defining Football Manager&#8482; series. Boasting a multitude of new and upgraded features, Football Manager&#8482; 2006 is set to release on both PC and Mac in Winter 2005. The first set of new features being announced today are a small selection being implemented into the game. Football Manager&#8482; 2006 is bursting with many more features that will be unveiled throughout the year.<br><br>“The new game is destined to build on the outstanding commercial and critical success of the last,” Matt Woodley, Creative Director of SEGA. “Football Manager&#8482; is now the genre benchmark and once again our colleagues at Sports Interactive are creating a game which their fans will be delighted to play.”<br><br>"Just like the real-life game, Football Manager&#8482; continues to evolve as each new season comes and goes," says Miles Jacobson, Managing Director of Sports Interactive. "As has become traditional over the years, the changes that we've made this time around have been inspired not only by events and trends in the real world, but also by changes which have been suggested by our ever-keen fan base."<br><br>One of the many fan-inspired features to make it into FM 2006 will be that, for the first time, managers will be able to negotiate with their board of directors - not only for a better contract for themselves, but also for improved player wage budgets and increased transfer budgets or even stadium expansion. Be aware though, if you push too hard and don't reach the heights that the board specify, you'll soon be looking for a new job.</P>
<P><FONT color=#3300ff>从玩家中得到灵感的一个特性是:有史以来第一次主教练可以和董事会谈判了,不仅可以谈改进自己的合同,也可以提改善球员工资预算和增加转会预算,甚至扩建体育场。要注意的是,如果你给董事会太大压力而自己没有达到他们提出的高度,那你很快就会去找新的工作了。</FONT><br><br>Half-time team talks add the ability to tell your players individually or collectively exactly what you thought of their first half performance, via the tactics screen. Will you be able to keep your players motivated, or will you cause a collapse in the second half?</P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>半场队伍对话增加了通过战术界面告诉你的球员对他们个人或整体在上半场表现的功能。你能保持你球员的积极性吗?或是让他们在下半场崩溃?</FONT><br><br>Another welcome feature is the ability to manage players on a personal level. Unhappy players can cause huge morale problems for the whole squad and result in bad performances, so the new Player Interaction feature will help you to manage your team more closely.</P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>另一个受欢迎的特性是:管理球员的个人问题。不高兴的球员可以给全队引起大规模的士气问题 导致差的表现。所以新的球员交互特性可以帮助你更亲近的管理你的球队</FONT><br><br>A completely revamped training module simplifies training schedules and players’ training progress, with your coaches becoming far more important members of backroom staff. New media items and expansion of the media module have been implemented, including but not limited to, cup draw news and man of the match news. </P>
<P><FONT color=#0909f7>一个完全修改的训练模板简化了训练时间表和球员的训练进步,你的教练成为你身后工作人员中更重要的成员。新的媒体事件以及扩展的媒体模板已经实现,包括但不限制杯赛抽签新闻和全场最佳新闻。</FONT><br><br>Want to know how many yellow cards the ref looking after your Saturday match has given in the last few matches? Now you can, with referee profiles and league tables, which add an extra element to tactics of the game. Maybe hard tackling is not a good idea for this Saturday's match!</P>
<P><FONT color=#0909f7>想知道执法本周六你的球队比赛的裁判在最近的几场比赛中共出示了几张黄牌吗?现在你可以了,在裁判资料和联赛积分表里可以看到,给你的战术增加一个附加元素吧。可能凶狠的铲球对本周六的比赛来说并不是一个很好的注意。<br></FONT><br>Also adding an extra tactical element to FM 2006, the player positions feature has been taken one step further. A player position indicator will not only show you the best positions for your player and where to play on the pitch, it will also show player preferred moves for those players in your team. As well as this, the Player Positions display format has been upgraded, making it easier for the manger to pick the team. </P>
<P><FONT color=#3300ff>在FM 2006中也增加了一些附加的战术元素。球员的位置得到了进一步的改进。一个球员的位置不仅表示他在场上的最佳位置,也表示球员为了队友更喜欢的跑位。由于这个,球员位置的显示形式得到了升级,使主教练更容易的安排球队阵容。<br></FONT><br>MORE FEATURES TO BE ANNOUNCED SOON!</P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>更多特性很快就会宣布</FONT><br><br>With all-new features, vastly improved gameplay and a heritage of unquestionable quality, Football Manager&#61668; 2006 offers an unrivalled management simulation experience.<br><br>Football Manager&#61668; 2006 will be released on both PC and Mac in Winter 2005</P>
<P><FONT color=#0909f7>FM 2006将于这个冬天同时发布PC和苹果机的版本</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=3><STRONG>FM 2006介绍短片(感谢国米老板和RaSIs)</STRONG></FONT></P>
<P><a href="http://themanager.free.fr/fmeurope/packtalent_clean.mov" target="_blank" ><FONT size=3><STRONG>http://themanager.free.fr/fmeurope/packtalent_clean.mov</STRONG></FONT></A></P>
<P><FONT size=5><STRONG>希望在FM 2006中看到什么功能(特性),大家也可以去SI论坛留言:</STRONG></FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=5><STRONG><a href="http://community.sigames.com/eve/ubb.x/a/frm/f/521102691" target="_blank" ><FONT size=3>http://community.sigames.com/eve/ubb.x/a/frm/f/521102691</FONT></A></STRONG></FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=1><STRONG><FONT size=5>游戏截图:</FONT></STRONG></FONT></P><STRONG><a href="http://bbs.playcm.net/dispbbs.asp?boardid=145&amp;id=260484&amp;star=1#260484" target="_blank" ><FONT size=2>http://bbs.playcm.net/dispbbs.asp?boardid=145&amp;id=260484&amp;star=1#260484</FONT></A></STRONG>
<P><FONT size=1><STRONG><FONT size=5></FONT></STRONG></P></FONT>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-8-30 20:35:31编辑过]

 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-10 17:31 | 显示全部楼层
<P><FONT color=#ff0000>以下这篇的内容是讲:FM 2006也将发布PSP(PlayStation Portable)版本,也就是便携式PS版本(这个机器可以在那个短片中看到)</FONT></P>
<P>The greatest Football Management simulation ever is coming to PSP!<br><br>LONDON, UK – May 6th, 2005 - SEGA Europe Ltd, and Sports Interactive are proud to announce Football Manager&#8482; 2006 for PSP. Specifically designed for Sony’s PlayStation Portable handheld entertainment system (PSP), this new game will, for the first time, offer fans of Sports Interactive’s games an opportunity to experience the highs and lows of virtual football management ‘on the go’. <br><br>Sports Interactive have modified their genre defining football management game to purposely suit the PSP. Football Manager&#8482; 2006 retains all of the hallmark realism and excellence, but is specifically designed to be a more immediate pick up and play experience. <br><br>“From the moment that we got our hands on our first PSP we knew that we were finally looking at a portable system that could do our game justice,” comments Miles Jacobson, Managing Director of Sports Interactive. “Football Manager&#8482; is well-known as being a game that people carry with them in their hearts and minds – pretty soon they’ll be able to carry it in their pockets too. ” <br><br>“This has to be one of the most exciting games coming to PSP. I’m going to start getting the train into work so I can play it in the mornings!” commented Matt Woodley, Creative Director of SEGA.<br><br>For anyone who loves football, Football Manager&#8482; 2006 offers a dream come true. Using a new state of the art game interface and management infrastructure, Football Manager&#61668; 2006 accurately simulates the trials and tribulations of a real football manager. Experience the pressure as you rise through the ranks, reach the heady heights of the Premiership and try your luck in Europe.<br><br>Features for Football Manager&#8482; 2006 PSP:<br><br>&#8226; Select an active league from a minimum of 6 countries’<br>&#8226; Accurate data from the world renowned SI football database <br>&#8226; Up to date and accurate competition simulations<br>&#8226; Accurate European competitions and world rankings <br>&#8226; Complete tactical options to allow a manager to influence a match <br>&#8226; Every player has an accurate player history<br>&#8226; 30 players in a squad<br>&#8226; Realistic commentary style match engine and computer manager intelligence<br>&#8226; Staff feedback on the current squad via coach and physio reports<br>&#8226; Realistically simulated media involvement - including transfer rumors<br>&#8226; Agent approaches and dressing room unrest<br>&#8226; A full interactive transfer system simulating modern day negotiations, including player loans, signings etc. <br>&#8226; Realistically simulated world of football, giving information about transfers, results and injuries involving the big names in football<br><br>MORE FEATURES TO BE ANNOUNCED SOON!</P><br>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-8-12 20:12:45编辑过]

 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-10 17:31 | 显示全部楼层
<P><FONT color=#ff0000 size=3><STRONG>以下是SI工作人员对网友提出的一些问题的解答:</STRONG></FONT></P>
<P>——but would there be any speed improvement planned for FM2006? </P>
<P><FONT color=#3809f7>FM2006有没有任何对游戏速度的改善计划?</FONT></P>
<P>We are always looking at the speed of the game..<br><br>We will continue to look at the speed of the game, and get it going as fast as we can, while making sure it remains as accurate and fun as ever.<br><br>Believe me, its not an issue we forget..</P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>我们一直关注游戏的速度。</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>我们将继续为游戏速度工作,尽我们全力在保证精确性和游戏乐趣的前提下提高速度。</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>相信我们,我们没有忘记。</FONT></P>
<P>——Will there be a beta demo with FM2006 as there was with Fm2005, and will the media editor from FM2005 be compatible with Fm2006 or any plans to include a media editor with Fm2006?</P>
<P><FONT color=#0938f7>会不会像FM2005一样发布一个测试DEMO?会不会有一个兼容FM2006的FM2005媒体编辑器?或是有任何计划在FM2006里包括一个媒体编辑器?</FONT></P>
<P><br>Althought we havent finalised any such plans, its likely we'll do a beta demo</P>
<P><FONT color=#3300ff>虽然我们没有任何这样的计划,但我们很可能做一个测试DEMO。</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#3300ff></FONT> </P>
<P>——The new features all sound very impressive.<br><br>Looking at the screenshots though it seems the game has got a lot darker and duller to look at, I know people can use skins but I would personally use the default skin if it was brighter and more colourful like the PSP version seems to be. </P>
<P><FONT color=#3809f7>新特性令人印象深刻。</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#3809f7>看了下截图,似乎游戏太暗了,我知道玩家可以使用皮肤,但我个人使用默认的皮肤,如果能亮点 彩色点,像PSP版本一样就好了。</FONT></P>
<P>I don't plan on removing the FM 2005 Metallic skin so you should still be able to use that.</P>
<P><FONT color=#3809f7>我没有计划去移除FM 2005中使用的Metallic皮肤,所以你任要使用这个。</FONT></P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-5-10 18:24:26编辑过]

 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-10 17:31 | 显示全部楼层
<P><FONT color=#ff0000>想在FM 2006中看到自己玉照的话,请去以下网址上传自己的头像,并留下相关信息,接着就等SI的确认函吧。</FONT></P>
<P><a href="http://www.sigames.com/faceinthegame/" target="_blank" ><FONT color=#003366>http://www.sigames.com/faceinthegame/</FONT></A></P>
<P>需要提醒大家一点,<FONT color=#ff0000 size=3><STRONG>头像的象素应为95*95</STRONG></FONT></P>
<P>- No hats</P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>不戴帽子</FONT></P>
<P>- No pulling faces</P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>不要愁眉苦脸</FONT></P>
<P>- I large, good quality image that shows your head with plenty of space above and to the sides</P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>一张大的高质量的图片展示出你的头部,在头上和两边要留有一定的空间</FONT></P>
<P>- Take the picture on a football field with the grass behind you</P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>在球场上拍的,身后有草地的头像<br></FONT><br>What we don't want is someone in their living room sitting on the sofa with their dog licking their face and a clock in the background</P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>我们不需要类似坐在客厅沙发上 狗舔着你的脸 在背景中有一个钟的照片。</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#ff0000 size=6><FONT color=#000000>头像上传截止日期为:9月1日</FONT></FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#ff0000 size=6><STRONG>其他注意事项请参照网页上的说明</STRONG></FONT></P>
<P>LONDON, UK -- July 20th, 2005 - Be the envy of all your friends and family and have your "Face in the Game" with Football Manager&#8482;! Sports Interactive and SEGA are once again offering you the chance to feature as an actual player or member of staff in the ultimate in PC football management titles, Football Manager&#8482; 2006. <br><br>Football Manager&#8482; 2006 runs for multiple seasons, during which time players age and eventually retire. "Face In The Game" allows Sports Interactive to take specific details from their fans, such as a photograph, name, date of birth and favourite club, and use these details to create "regenerated" players, which ensures that there is always a pool of players for managers to work with. <br><br>"When we ran this competition last year, we never imagined it would have been so popular with our fans", says Miles Jacobson, Managing Director of Sports Interactive. "Doing this again is a perfect way for us to say a big thank you to everyone for their support, particularly in the last eighteen months." <br><br><B>Guidelines </B><br><br>There are a few restrictions as to the style of photos, which are acceptable, for example the shots should not contain any team colours. Also, as regenerated players are usually aged between 18 and 22, only photos, which represent people within that age range, will be used to depict the players. All other photos supplied will be used to represent either coaches or physios. <br><br>Visit <a href="http://www.sigames.com/faceinthegame" target="_blank" >http://www.sigames.com/faceinthegame</A> and follow the instructions to ensure you have a chance to be a part of "Face in the Game. Further information, including details of the size and composition of acceptable photos is available from the Face in the Game website at, <a href="http://www.sigames.com/faceinthegame" target="_blank" >http://www.sigames.com/faceinthegame</A>.<br>On top of the previously announced PC features the team at Sports Interactive and SEGA are now happy to announce the second set of new features featuring in this years release of Football Manager&#8482; 2006. <br><br><B>NEW PC FEATURES:</B> </P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>PC版新特性:</FONT><br><br>Increased Tactical Options -- You can now tweak tactics even further, with options for players to interchange positions, more specific target man instructions and even time wasting! </P>
<P><FONT face="Courier New" color=#0000ff>增加了战术选项——现在你可以进一步调整战术,增加了球员换位的选项,加入了更多针对目标球员的特别指令,还加入了拖延时间选项。</FONT><br><br>Formation Panel on Match Screen -- Updated Live, this is an easy way to see the formations of both your team and your competitor at the same time without having to pause the match. </P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>比赛界面的阵型面板——实时更新,这是在不用暂停比赛,同时看到双方阵型的简单方法。</FONT><br><br>Virtual Player Contracts -- When managing clubs at the lowest level, the pool of available talent is often a little thin -- this feature now allows you to offer contracts to "Virtual" players that the game generates for teams playing outside the football pyramid in the lower leagues or in your reserve or junior team and therefore give them an opportunity to play on the bigger stage </P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>虚拟球员合同——当你执教的俱乐部身处低级联赛时,可使用的天才球员是很少的-这个特性可以允许你向游戏生成的“虚拟”球员(灰人)提供合同,使你的球队能在低级联赛或预备队联赛、青年联赛中比赛,因此,给他们(灰人)一个在更大舞台上表演的机会吧。<br></FONT><br>Snapshot - A great new screen in the game that gives you a homepage of all of the info that you need as a manager -- budgets, forthcoming fixtures, a competition overview, team stats and lots more. </P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>简单印象——一个伟大的新界面给你一个作为主教练所需要的所有信息的主页——预算,未来赛程,赛事概况,球队统计和更多。</FONT><br><br>Key Highlight Replays in Match Engine -- Key highlights are now instantly replayed for those managers who want to pick every move apart. </P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>比赛引擎中的主要精彩回放——为那些需要观看每一个精彩画面的教练提供一个主要精彩镜头的即时回放功能。<br></FONT><br>New Shirt Graphics -- With licenses galore, there will be more real life kits in FM2005 than any previous Sports Interactive football title. </P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>新的队衣图形——随着版权的丰富,将会有比FM2005更多的真实球衣出现。</FONT><br><br>Man Of The Match News -- A new regular news item giving feedback on the man of the match for youth &amp; reserve games, as well as key first team matches. </P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>本场最佳新闻——一个新的常规新闻将反馈给你青年和预备队比赛中的最佳球员</FONT><br><br><B>MORE NEW FEATURES FOR FOOTBALL MANAGER 2006 WILL BE ANNOUNCED SOON.</B> <br><br>About The Game <br><br>Boasting a multitude of new and upgraded features, Football Manager&#8482; 2006 for PC/Mac will be published by SEGA in November 2005. For further information please go to <a href="http://www.sigames.com/" target="_blank" >http://www.sigames.com</A> or <a href="http://www.sega-europe.com/" target="_blank" >http://www.sega-europe.com</A></P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-7-25 19:46:01编辑过]

 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-10 17:31 | 显示全部楼层
<P>LONDON, UK - August 5th, 2005 - Sports Interactive and SEGA are pleased to announce the penultimate set of new features for Football Manager&#8482; 2006 PC/Mac.<FONT color=#ff0000>(SI和SEGA很高兴的向大家宣布,这是我们最后第二次增加FM 2006的新特性)</FONT> The Sports Interactive team have been working hard to create the next edition to the ultimate Football Management experience and this is shown in the amount of new content being added to this highly anticipated title. <br><br>NEW PC FEATURES: </P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>新的PC版特性:</FONT><br><br>* Match Commentary revamp - Heaps of new commentary lines used in match for added atmosphere and detail to identify what's happening on the pitch. </P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>* 比赛评论修补 - 为增加比赛气氛和详细的确定在赛场上发生了什么,使用了更多的新的比赛评论语句。</FONT><br><br>* "Player Form" &amp; "Player Stats" screens - More pertinent information regarding a players form and match stats, presented in a user-friendly manner. </P>
<P><FONT color=#3300ff><FONT color=#0000ff>* “球员表现”和“球员统计”屏幕 - 更多相关球员表现和比赛统计的信息以友好的界面被引入游戏中</FONT><br></FONT><br>* "Quick" tactic mode - Now you can shout from the touchlines to make small or full tactical changes without having to stop the match. </P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>* “快速”战术模式 - 现在你可以在不暂停比赛的情况下在场边大叫,以轻微或完整的改变场上战术了。</FONT><br><br>* Improved match engine realism - Working with Ray Houghton, the ex-Liverpool and Republic of Ireland player, SI have analysed every area of the match engine looking for areas to improve the engine to make it the most realistic experience ever. </P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>* 改善了比赛引擎的真实性 - 和前利物浦和爱尔兰球员Ray Houghton一起工作,SI分析了每一个区域的比赛引擎,以找到一个来改善他,使他成为永远最真实的比赛引擎。</FONT><br><br>* Injury module revamp - No more "physio reports" needed after injuries as the physio's now come to you. Full feedback on injuries, including various treatment options. </P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>* 受伤模块的修补 - 受伤后不再需要“队医报告”了,队医会主动向你报告。受伤的完整反馈,包括多样的治疗选项。<br></FONT><br>* General UI improvements - Improvements to the user interface make it easier to find your way around the game and reduce the amount of mouse button clicks. </P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>* 常规公户界面的改善 - 用户界面的改善使你可以容易的找到以你的方式玩游戏的方法,减少了鼠标的点击数。<br></FONT><br>* Ticker Bar - Not only can you gain score updates during matches but a configurable news ticker bar updates you on news from around the globe, or just locally if you prefer.</P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>*  勾选条 - 你不仅可以在比赛中获得比分的实时更新,如果你喜欢也可以配置一个新闻勾选条来选择更新全球所有比赛的比分还是只更新本地的比赛比分。<br></FONT><br>* Media overhaul - Loads more information is now given through news items using an all new "player bio" system, this is inclusive of, but not limited to, club landmark year news, better feedback on your start as a manager, more celebration of success and much more info about players in media items. </P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>* 媒体检查 - 通过一个新的“球员履历”系统在新闻中的使用,加入了更多的信息,不仅限于此,俱乐部里程碑新闻、对你开始教练生涯更好的反馈、更多的成功庆祝以及更多关于球员信息在媒体中的体现(也被加入)</FONT><br><br>* Full Time Team Talks - With the addition of Half Time team talks to Football Manager 2006 , Sports Interactive felt it only fair to add full time team talks to allow you to comment on team or individual performances at the end of the match to the players. How will they react? </P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>* 赛后球队谈话 - FM 2006中加入了中场球队谈话,SI觉得再加入赛后球队谈话,使你在赛后能够评论球队或个人表现才是公平的。他们的反应会是怎么样呢?</FONT><br><br>FINAL SET OF FOOTBALL MANAGER&#8482; 2006 PC FEATURES WILL BE ANNOUNCED SOON. </P>
<P><FONT color=#ff0000>FM 2006最终特性将在不久后公布</FONT><br><br>Football Manager&#8482; 2006 for PC/Mac launches November 4th 2005, for further details please go to <a href="http://www.sigames.com/" target="_blank" >http://www.sigames.com</A> or <a href="http://www.sega.com/" target="_blank" >http://www.sega.com</A></P>
<P><FONT color=#ffcc00 size=5><STRONG>FM 2006将在2005年11月4日发售</STRONG></FONT>,更多内容请关注:<a href="http://www.sigames.com" target="_blank" >http://www.sigames.com</A> or <a href="http://www.sega.com/" target="_blank" >http://www.sega.com</A></P>
<P><STRONG><FONT size=3>另外,SEGA也在招募FM的测试员,有兴趣的朋友可以关注以下网站:</FONT></STRONG></P>
<P><a href="http://www.sega-europe.com/en/Jobs.htm" target="_blank" >http://www.sega-europe.com/en/Jobs.htm</A></P>
<P>SEGA Are looking for people to join their QA department to test the forthcoming version of Football Manager. You will be a dedicated gamer, be passionate about football games, have good attention to detail and the ability to spot any bugs which might drive people insane!<br><br>For more information and an application form visit our website, <a href="http://www.sega-europe.com/en/Jobs.htm" target="_blank" >http://www.sega-europe.com/en/Jobs.htm</A></P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-8-6 9:05:51编辑过]

 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-22 22:06 | 显示全部楼层
<P><FONT color=#ff0000>以下为SEGA和SI宣布,FM 2006将在PSP和Xbox 360平台上于2006年春天发布</FONT></P>
<P>SEGA Europe Ltd, and Sports Interactive are today proud to announce the final platform to be added to the highly anticipated Football Manager&#8482; franchise. Football Manager&#8482; 2006 makes its debut on the Xbox 360&#8482; video game and entertainment system from Microsoft&reg; during the spring period, 2006. This now completes the line-up for Football Manager this season, with Football Manager&#8482; 2006 PC/Mac out early November 2005 and the previously announced PSP platform and now the Xbox 360 version both out Spring 2006.<br><br><a href="http://www.sigames.com/news.php?type=view&amp;article_id=1151" target="_blank" ><FONT color=#882222>http://www.sigames.com/news.php?type=view&amp;article_id=1151</FONT></A><br><br>Screenshots : <a href="http://www.sigames.com/softography.php?type=view&amp;id=22" target="_blank" ><FONT color=#000000>http://www.sigames.com/softography.php?type=view&amp;id=22</FONT></A></P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-8-12 20:17:00编辑过]

 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-22 22:07 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-7-24 06:04 | 显示全部楼层
Half-time team talks add the ability to tell your players individually or collectively exactly what you thought of their first half performance, via the tactics screen. Will you be able to keep your players motivated, or will you cause a collapse in the second half?
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>半场队伍对话增加了通过战术界面告诉你的球员对他们个人或整体在上半场表现的功能。你能保持你球员的积极性吗?或是让他们在下半场崩溃?</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>=============================================================================================</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff></FONT> </P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>这个特性明显是抄袭TCM2005的</FONT></P>[em05][em05]
 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-24 17:31 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>magicw</I>在2005-7-23 22:04:00的发言:</B><BR>Half-time team talks add the ability to tell your players individually or collectively exactly what you thought of their first half performance, via the tactics screen. Will you be able to keep your players motivated, or will you cause a collapse in the second half? <BR>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>半场队伍对话增加了通过战术界面告诉你的球员对他们个人或整体在上半场表现的功能。你能保持你球员的积极性吗?或是让他们在下半场崩溃?</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>=============================================================================================</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff></FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>这个特性明显是抄袭TCM2005的</FONT></P>[em05][em05]</DIV>
发表于 2005-7-24 21:29 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-7-25 02:28 | 显示全部楼层
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-7-24 18:43:16编辑过]

发表于 2005-7-25 08:18 | 显示全部楼层
2D圆圈比赛 能不能换成2D小人在踢球 正如 新冠军足球经理2002比赛画面一样
发表于 2005-7-25 09:51 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-7-25 17:24 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-25 20:27 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>明日帝国</I>在2005-7-24 13:29:00的发言:</B><BR>那么这次会有中文版发售吗</DIV>
 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-25 20:28 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>lxw1</I>在2005-7-24 18:28:00的发言:</B><BR>
 楼主| 发表于 2005-7-25 20:31 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>henry2006</I>在2005-7-25 0:18:00的发言:</B><BR>2D圆圈比赛 能不能换成2D小人在踢球 正如 新冠军足球经理2002比赛画面一样</DIV>
发表于 2005-7-26 22:19 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-7-28 06:44 | 显示全部楼层
<P><FONT color=#3300ff>"从玩家中得到灵感的一个特性是:有史以来第一次主教练可以和董事会谈判了,不仅可以谈改进自己的合同,也可以提改善球员工资预算和增加转会预算,甚至扩建体育场。要注意的是,如果你给董事会太大压力而自己没有达到他们提出的高度,那你很快就会去找新的工作了。"</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#3300ff>我觉得应该把我们教练工资的作用化,玩了那么就老觉得工资根本没用···应该可以用来买东西什么的··呵呵,最好能买房子~~~^_^</FONT><BR></P>
发表于 2005-7-28 07:02 | 显示全部楼层
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