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发表于 2005-11-16 05:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<P><FONT color=#000000 size=5><STRONG>请勿灌水(置顶帖,请大家不要回复诸如“支持”“佩服”“3Q”之类没有意义的帖子,以后看到一律删除,谢谢大家配合),大家可以发表自己的看法,以及自己对战术的理解。</STRONG></FONT></P>
<P><STRONG><FONT size=5>PS:已对帖子进行了清理,没有意义的帖子已删除,但并没有扣除大家的积分,从现在开始,再有无意义的帖子除了删除以外,还将扣除相应的分数(视水的程度而定)</FONT></STRONG></P>
<P><FONT color=#ff0000 size=5><STRONG>以下是SI置顶的一篇关于战术设定的帖子,抱怨游戏太难的人可以看看应该怎样设定符合自己的战术(感谢<FONT face=Verdana color=#61b713>jojocarter</FONT>的翻译)大家可以参考一下 </STRONG></FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#ff0000 size=5><STRONG>另外,SI也已经表示,在6.0.2中不会对游戏的难度作大的调整,只会对一些不现实或粗糙的战术等作些调整</STRONG></FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#3300ff>作者:wwfan </FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#3300ff>转自SI论坛战术和训练区</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#3300ff>中文翻译转自FMFANS</FONT></P>
<P>This thread is designed to offer some tactical basics for anyone wishing to implement their own tactics in FM06. Although all my experiments have been performed using a standard 4-4-2 system, I believe that the base frameworks I use for different scenarios will translate to most formations. Before talking about the team strategies I will outline some of the theories in terms of how to set up specific player instructions. In all of these theories I have found a lot of the information in a variety of excellent threads and I hope those involved will accept my thanks alongside my apologies for not being able to reference them.<br><br><br><B>Mentality</B><br><br>One of the key elements in setting the mentality sliders is to remember that too extreme differences in attacking/defending instructions will result in huge gaps all over the pitch with your players failing to find easy passes. For example, if your defense is set at ultra-defensive, and your attack at ultra-attacking, with the midfield somewhere in between, a short passing game becomes difficult, for as soon as you get the ball your team will look for attacking options which limits options. If one of your defenders (mostly not so great at passing) has the ball and finds that all his advanced team mates are rushing headlong up the pitch while at the same time he is being pressured by opposition players, he will do one of two things. Firstly, if the option is available, he will hit a long ball forward to clear his lines, thus contradicting any short-passing instructions you may have set him. Secondly, if his decision making is poor, he may hit a cross field ball into his own area that is hugely dangerous in that it may be intercepted and cost a goal.<br><br>Therefore, it is imperative that when setting up tactics and formations, the manager consider the passing options available and set mentalities and passing instructions accordingly. This becomes more so if decision making and passing stats are bad, as passes will be intercepted and the short passing game will be abandoned due to lack of options. When setting up your tactic, consider how many options your weakest passing defender will have when he has the ball, and try to ensure he will have a few players near to him, so he can make an easy pass. Thus, having one midfielder on defensive mentality, and at least one more on normal will help. A second option would be to have only one midfielder on defensive but increase the wing/full backs mentalities so the central defenders have the option of a pass forwards down the wing, forward to the defensive midfielder, or the easy ball to the other central defender. <br><br>Once the ball moves to the midfield, it is likely that more options will become available, but mentality still plays a huge role, and if your forwards' mentality is too attacking, a quick ball up the pitch will leave them isolated and they will lose possession. Ideally, split the mentalities for the strikeforce, with one forward coming deeper and holding up the ball so the midfield can get into position, whereas the other can continuously look to get into position for the killer ball. Following this kind of thinking will ensure that your formation holds its shape and that on most occasions easy passing options are available. </P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>心态(mentality)</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>注意保持整体球队心态的一致性,不要把心态的设置过于拉开,如果后卫全部是全力防守,而前锋是全力进攻,那么在后卫拿到球的时候可能会没人可以传球,甚至为了保持防守心态而开大脚,或者回传。这样会影响整体的推进效果和传球流畅性,特别是当后卫的decision making指数比较差的时候。<br>比较好的办法是,设置一个中场的心态为比较防守,或者把两翼的边路进攻队员适度回撤,这样能够保证中后卫拿球后可以传给中场队员,或者传给边路球员,甚至给其他中后卫。<br>前锋之间的设置同样道理,如果两名前锋都很突前,将会导致被孤立而无法拿球,建议把一名前锋适当回撤,并拿住球,给中场队员多点前插的空间和时间,然后给对方致命一击。<br>总体来讲,就是要注意保持整体阵型,让球员在大多数情况下有比较多传球的选择。</FONT><br><br><br><B>Closing Down</B><br><br>Closing down is another issue that causes problems and needs to be evaluated quite carefully before deciding on how to employ it. In basic terms, the closing down instruction will tell the players to move towards the player who is carrying the ball/has it in his possession. Thus, in the 2d match engine, you will see a player with high closing down instructions moving towards the opposition player as soon as he has possession. Its strength is that it stops opposition players having much time on the ball, but its weakness is that it often leads the opposition players get goalside easily, as it draws players out of position. Logic suggests that it shouldn't be employed with tight man-marking for central defenders, as it will put the player with high closing down/tight man instructions marking in an untenable position, in that he is supposed to stay with his man but also close down a different player who has the ball and has got past the midfield line. If his decision making is poor he will invariably take the wrong option and holes will appear in the defense. <br><br>Players with low closing down instructions will invariably stay between the man in possession and the goal. They may not make a tackle, but they will try to force the player to make a difficult pass, take a long shot that isn't on, or dribble past them to create a chance. Thus, possession is won by intercepting passes, forcing an overambitious long shot which results in a goal kick, or by tackling the player as he tries to dribble past. It places the initiative firmly on the attacking team, asking them to break down the defensive unit that is massed between the ball and the goal, rather than trying to win the ball quickly.<br><br>High closing down can be employed in certain circumstances and work extremely effectively. However, it will require the right type of player for it to work. It is pointless assigning it to very slow players, as they will take too long to reach the man on the ball, giving him plenty of time to pick a pass. A slow player will also be unable to make up ground if he is skinned. It is also pointless assigning it to players who can’t tackle, as they are likely to be beaten by the man with the ball, or foul him as he goes past them. The best ways in which to employ heavy closing down are by 1) instructing your hard-man, aggressive central midfielder to man mark and close down the opposition’s playmaker, who likely to be creative but soft and cowardly, or 2) using a hardworking, fast, fit striker to close down the opposition’s defense, forcing them to hit hurried passes forward.<br><br>Likewise, make sure your two most creative players are on low closing down. By doing this you will ensure they are in more space to receive an easy pass when you gain possession, and thus more likely to set up a successful counter attack. If they are set to high closing down, they will be right next to an opponent, who will likely crunch them, so the best you will get is a free kick. Furthermore, who has ever seen creative players close down anyway?</P>
<P><FONT color=#3300ff>抢逼(closing down)</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#3300ff>高抢逼指示队员总是一位的向拿球的对方球员逼近,这样的好处是让对方有较少的处理球的时间,但是这样容易出现身后空当,或者被对方过掉。较为明智的做法是在高度人盯人(tight marking)的中后卫身上不采用高度抢逼的指示,这样容易让他混淆,因为他必须同时盯住人,而又要去抢逼冲破中场防线的其他进攻人员。如果他的决策能力很弱的话,将会使防守出现漏洞。<br>较低的抢逼指示将会使球员尽量保持在对方拿球队员和球门之间,这样一来,防守队员可能不会经常铲球,但是会让对方很难传球或轻易的过人,而只能长传。特别是针对全力进攻的球队,这样将会迫使对方打阵地战,效果比急于把球拿到自己脚下要好。<br>高抢逼在某些情况下比较有效,不过需要因人而异,如果是速度很慢就不妥当,因为来不及复位。不会铲球的也不适合,因为容易被对方过掉或者从身后把对方拉倒。比较适合的有两种,一是让中场体力好,硬朗,野心大的防守对方高度抢逼对方的中场发动机。二是让速度快,身体好并且努力跑位的前锋抢逼对方防守队员,迫使对方快速出脚。<br>除此以外,注意让你队中创造力最好的两名球员设置成低抢逼,这样可以给他们多点空间,从而带动球队并容易反击。</FONT></P>
<P><br><br><br><B>Width</B><br><br>Width is important depending on the type of team you have. If you have a team that can easily dominate possession with short, low tempo passing, then you should use a wide formation. Players will tire more easily when chasing the ball than when in possession, and if they have to chase over a wide game area, will tire even more, making mistakes more likely. However, if possession is a problem, and you feel that your team is under a lot of pressure then you should narrow your width. This will put a lot of your players in the middle of the pitch, which will limit space for the opposition and ensure you have plenty of men between the ball and your goal. </P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>宽度(width)</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>宽度的设置取决于你的球队情况,如果你可以依靠较慢节奏的短传很大优势的控制住球,那么较为适合大宽度,这样会使对方球员疲于奔命,出现纰漏。相反,如果你的球队面对较大的压力并且拿不住球,那么应该选择较窄的宽度以保持在局部区域的人员优势。</FONT></P>
<P><br><br><br><B>Tempo</B><br><br>Again, important depending on team type. A team with good passers can use a slow tempo system to dominate possession and wait on their chances. If chances fail to materialize, then they can switch to a higher tempo system for short bursts to try to create some chances. High tempo would usually be best employed for teams that need to get the ball up the pitch quickly because of a lack of quality in midfield. When used with a direct passing system it will get the ball to the forwards quickly once in possession. However, it will tire the team heavily if used all match.</P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>节奏(tempo)</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>节奏同样取决于球队情况,如果你拥有传球好手,并且能够通过短传渗透来找到机会,那么用较慢的节奏比较适合,可以让队员慢慢挖掘对手的漏洞。相反,如果没有高质量的传球手,希望快速通过中场的话,可以使用较快的节奏,不过这样容易让整个球队很快疲劳。</FONT></P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-18 12:43:39编辑过]

 楼主| 发表于 2005-11-16 05:34 | 显示全部楼层
<P><STRONG>Passing<br><br></STRONG>Here, I am treading on Cleon’s ground and suggest that all those who want to understand more about passing go here: <br><br><a href="http://community.sigames.com/groupee/forums/a/tpc/f/1519717/m/2162026271" target="_blank" ><FONT color=#882222>Cleon’s Passing Thread</FONT></A> </P>
<P>Passing is a very important part of football and on FM 2006 this is no different, but don't make the mistake that a lot of people do and match the players passing attribute to the passing slider. So for example if someone has 4 for passing this doesn't mean that you should give him (4) short passing on the game. You need to study your players really carefully before deciding what passing to choose. If you have a player who has 15+ for his passing attribute then he is probably good enough to play every single passing style depending at what level you are playing at.<br><br>The players passing in the midfield area is the most vital part of your formation in my eyes because you need to keep possession of the ball but also know when to release the ball to someone in a more advanced position. Time the passes right to your strikers and it could lead to a very good chance, but miss time the pass and you might give the possession of the ball away to the opposition. The passing to your strikers is important because get it wrong and you might get caught offside, but passing alone doesn't determine that it also depends on the strikers stats such as decision, anticipation and off the ball.<br><br>In Lower League Management situations you probably don’t have the players to play a very short passing game as they lack technique and creativity. So you need to find a passing style that suits the individual player. I would recommend trying to mix the passing styles up through out your team, don't have everyone set on the same settings. By doing this you give your team a variation of passing styles and make it UN predictable for the opposition to figure out what you will do with the ball.<br><br><B>Mixed:</B> This means your players will attempt short passing, direct passing and long passing. This can be a good starting point when deciding what passing to have your players on. If you are unsure stick to mixed until you become more confident.<br><br><B>Short:</B> Your players will just pass the ball to the closest player that isn’t marked. He will just play the basics. But if he is on (1)-(3) short passing this will mean he plays a more one touch football game. This style is only advisable for very good players who are comfortable with passing and moving.<br><br><B>Direct:</B> Your players will attempt to get the ball up field as quick as possible. They will go through the positions until it has reached the front men. But don’t get this mistaken for long passing even though they sound same they are different.<br><br><B>Long:</B> Your players will always hit long balls forward. They will play the ball over the top. This works well if players have poor passing stats, the weather conditions are bad or if you are playing against tough opposition. The downfall of playing like this is you could give a lot of possession away needlessly.<br><br>To be able to play any sort of passing game it also relies on other factors too not only the passing attribute. Decisions are important for knowing exactly who to choose to pass to as well as choosing when. Anticipation is another attribute that is quite important as if your player is passing to a player who is currently running he needs to anticipate where he is exactly running too. There are a few more factors too but they will get covered in a different article. It all comes down to combinations of attributes rather than just one overall attribute.</P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>传球(passing)</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>参见Cleon的帖子</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>cleon 关于传球的翻译如下</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>传球对足球比赛很重要,FM2006也是一样。不要错误的以为应该简单的根据队员的传球属性来安排比赛中的传球风格设置。比如,一个传球只有4的人,<FONT color=#0000ff>这就意味着你不应当将他(传球为4)在比赛中的传球方式设置为短传。</FONT>你必须在决定采用何种传球方式前仔细研究你的队员。如果你拥有传球指数15以上的队员,那么他已经足够优秀去完成每一次单独的传球动作了。</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>中场的传球是最最重要的,因为我认为必须保持把球控在自己脚下,并且知道何时应该传球给更前方的队员。如果时间拿捏准确就能创造好机会,反之则失之交臂,甚至把球交到对方脚下。在传球给前锋的时候还要注意越位问题,不过这不仅仅取决于传球,还要依靠前锋的能力,比如决策能力,无球跑动等等。</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>在低级别联赛中,你可能无法依靠球员不足的能力去开展一场完全短传的比赛,我建议你还是把所有的人都设置成混合(mixed)传球方式,每个人都一样。这样做,你可以让对手无法预判你的传球方式。</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>混合式(mixed):这意味着你的队员将尝试短传,长传和直传。如果你还没有足够的自信,建议你选择这个做为好的开始。<br>短传(short):球员将把球传给最近一个无人盯防的队友。如果被设置成短传(1)-(3),将会更多的一脚出球。这种传球方式适合于非常优秀的传球手。<br>直传(direct):队员将尽快地把球往前场传,直到球到前场队员脚下。不要以为这和长传一样尽管他们看起来很相似。<br>长传(long):球员将一直传过顶的长距离的球。如果你的球员传球能力很弱,或者天气不好,又或者对手太强,效果可能不错,不过你将会失去很多控球的时间。</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>想要踢出一场流畅的比赛,不仅仅依赖于传球的属性。决策力(decision)将决定队员是否知道何时该传,传给谁。预判力(anticipation)将会影响队员是否知道该往哪里跑。除此之外,还有一些其他的属性也会同时影响到。</FONT></P>
<P><br><br><br><B>Time Wasting</B><br><br>Possibly tweaked a little high by the match engine, but speaks for itself. Don’t time waste when chasing a game; time waste when defending a lead.</P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>浪费时间(time wasting)</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>和比赛设置关系较小,较为独立。需要进攻时尽量不浪费时间,需要在领先防守时可以选择多浪费时间。</FONT><br><br><br><B>Creative Freedom</B><br><br>I am treading on dangerous ground here, as creative freedom seems to be a hot topic on the forum. Personally, I believe creative freedom doesn’t stop players obeying instructions but must be employed carefully. Most teams will only employ one or two players in creative roles, and I think that FM06 thinking follows that. If too many players are on high creative freedom then everyone is looking for the killer ball, which means the true creatives rarely have the chance to influence the match. Tone it down for most people, set it high for the special talents.</P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>创造力(creative freedom)</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>创造力是一个很热门的话题,尽快我相信创造力的设置并不阻止队员去遵守别的指示,但是仍然需要谨慎对待。大部分球队只会让一到两名球员充当创造的角色,我想FM2006也会如此理解。如果太多人有较高的创造力反而失去了真正的意义,建议让大多数人设置低较低的创造力,对天才球员设置较高的创造力。</FONT></P>
<P><br><br><br><B>Defensive Line</B><br><br>A deep defensive line, in my opinion, is asking for trouble and should only be used with extreme caution. This will basically tell your players to retreat to the edge of the box when not in possession. It can be used with good defensive midfield cover when trying to see out a tight game, but be careful. A high defensive line, alongside at least one quick centre back is the way to approach most games. It will condense the pitch, force the opposition to hit hurried balls and keep a large percentage of play in the midfield zone. As long as one central defender is quick it can be employed with the offside trap to continually keep the opposition trapped in their own half.</P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>防线(defensive line)</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>我认为较深的防线会引起较大的麻烦,必须很小心的使用。这只能告诉你的球员在无球的状态下挤作一团。当你要面对一场恶战的时候,或许可以尝试在好的防守型中场身上使用,不过仍然需要小心。<br>大多数情况下,可以使用较靠前的防线,再配上至少一名快速的中后卫,这样可以压缩空间,让对手迅速出球并大部分时间在中场纠缠,快速的后卫还可以设置越位陷阱来迫使对方只在己方半场活动。</FONT></P>
<P><br><br><br><B>Killing Off a Game</B><br><br>Many people seemed to have experienced a series of near miraculous comebacks by AI teams and find it frustrating and unrealistic. However, it is simple to stop. The assumption here is that the half-time team talk makes a huge difference to the second half performance. In the case of the AI manager it must be assumed that he will try to get them to score quickly in the second half to give them a chance, and change formations to try and make that happen. He will also try to give them hope in the half-time talk. <br><br>Thus, the human manager must proactively set up a system to stop this happening. The assumption is that if the AI team fails to score in the first 15 minutes of the second half they will suffer a morale drop and can be picked off again. So, the human manager must time waste, narrow the formation, set the team to a slightly more defensive mindset and counter attack. Passing type and tempo will be altered depending on the player abilities. This should kill off the game, and chances may start to appear for you gain near the end.<br><br><br>For the rest of this post, I will focus on some tactical frameworks that can be used by correctly employing the above theories. In these frameworks the team quality is related to the relative ability of the squad in the division it is playing in, not in the more general sense that Barcelona are quality and Maidenhead are not!</P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>终结比赛(killing off a game)</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>很多时候,我们为电脑可以在很短的时间反击进球痛失好局而吃惊和懊恼,其实这很容易被阻止。前提是中场对话将会较大影响下半场的表现。 在这种情况下,电脑会觉得他必须通过改变阵容或者通过中场对话给队员希望来让自己的球队下半场快速进球。<br>于是,你就必须事先做点什么来阻止这样事情的发生。这里的假设是如果下半场15分钟前电脑没有进球,他将会迅速士气低沉。所以,你必须浪费时间,变窄压缩阵型,让球队稍微防守并设置反击。并根据球员能力调节传球和节奏,这将会保持比赛,并在比赛最后再次出现进球的机会,彻底终结对手。</FONT><br></P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-17 10:45:05编辑过]

 楼主| 发表于 2005-11-16 05:34 | 显示全部楼层
<P><STRONG>Framework One: High Quality Team Playing at Home<br><br></STRONG>This requires a framework that focuses more on attacking than defending and is possession centric. Thus, the team should employ a wide formation, with wing/full backs on a reasonably attacking mentality to provide support for the midfield, with only the central defenders needing to mop up the ball at the back. Possession is important, so a slow tempo, short passing game should be employed for most of the match, but the manager should be willing to tweak to a higher tempo for short bursts to create chances if none seem forthcoming. <br><br>In general, the midfield need not close down hugely, but it may be worthwhile to man mark/close down the opposition’s most dangerous midfielder and rush their defense with the strikers when they have the ball to force hurried, aimless clearances. The midfield should also look to push forward, with one more defensive minded player covering the back line. To help the midfield get into position to help the front line, it would be worthwhile having one forward hold the ball up, which allows the midfield to get in front of him and into space. <br><br>Once the game seems won, up the time wasting level, narrow the formation and tick counter attack. If your team has excellent passers use slow passing and just let your wide midfielders and forwards break, with the rest of the team staying back. With slightly less talented passers, switch to direct, high tempo passing and play down the channels. That way you will quickly get the ball down the pitch and force them to build again.</P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>第一章:高质量的主场作战</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>这时需要把注意力更多的集中在进攻和控球率上,所以要设置成较宽的宽度,边后卫或助攻后卫设置成合理的进攻心态以便给中场提供足够的支持,将一名中后卫拖后。控球率很重要,所以大部分时间内要设置成慢节奏和短传,在适当的时候注意把节奏调高以便打破沉闷的比赛从而创造机会。<br>大部分情况下,中场不需要高抢逼,不过有时候也需要对对方最危险的中场人物进行盯人或高抢逼。中场还需要尽量前插,只留下一名防守中场掩护后卫线,一名前锋后撤拿住球(hold the ball),让中场队员有更多机会和空间。<br>一旦看起来比赛会赢了,调高浪费时间的程度,变窄阵型并尝试反击。如果有好的传球手,可以让边前卫和前锋反击,其余人留守并保持慢节奏。如果没有传球好手,调节到高速比赛节奏和直传(direct passing),并通过两翼渠道快速进攻。</FONT></P>
<P><br><br><br><B>Framework Two: High Quality Team Playing Away</B><br><br>This requires a framework that is defensively sound but lethal on the counter. The team should employ a slightly narrower formation than at home, with a more direct, higher tempo approach to passing. The wing/full backs must be almost as defensive as the central defenders and get forwards less often. Counter attacking must also be ticked from the start. All mentalities must be toned down from the home framework, but not hugely. One of the centre forwards can stay on a high attacking mentality to provide availability at all times when countering. <br><br>Based on the assumption that the opposition will attack, use the best, most aggressive central midfielder to close down their playmaker. The rest of the midfield/defense needs to stay behind the ball, so closing down must be low for them. As the quick break is the key to scoring, don’t hold the ball up but try to get the ball to the forwards quickly so they can work in any space there may be before the opposition can get back. <br><br>Time wasting can be high from the start as it will limit the amount of time the opposition has on the ball, and can be maxed when defending a lead. Again, depending on the player types, passing can slow down when defending a lead to try and get more possession, or speed up to get the ball up the pitch and away from danger as quickly as possible.</P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>第二章:高质量的客场比赛</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>这时需要注重防守并创造致命的反击。展开的阵型比主场时稍稍窄一点,多一点直传(direct),稍高得比较节奏。边后卫或助攻后卫设置成几乎和中后卫一样的防守心态,并很少往前。一开始就选上反击。所有人的心态都要比主场更防守一些,但不要太多。一个前锋可以设置成较高的进攻心态以便随时随地开展反击。<br>考虑到对方可能大力进攻,让最好斗(aggressive)的中场球员抢逼对方的中场危险人物(play maker),其他球员设置较低的抢逼,从而留守在球和球门之间。因为最重要的是反击,所以不要控制住球(hold the ball),以最快的速度把球传到前锋脚下,以便他们在对方防守队员到位之前反击。<br>从比赛一开始就高度浪费时间,这样会限制对方拿球的时间,并且能够最大限度的保住胜利成果。同样的,根据球队的情况,在领先的时候调节传球的节奏以远离危险。</FONT></P>
<P><br><br><br><B>Framework Three: Low Quality Team </B><br><br>Obviously the game is harder when you have a poor team. Thus, the framework for such a team follows the framework for a high quality team playing away to an extent. <br><br>Keeping the players between the ball and the goal is the key to this framework. Hence, nearly all your players must be no more than normal mentality and on low closing down. One of the strikers can be on attacking and high closing down, but that is about it. You must play a narrow formation, with high tempo, direct passing to get the ball up the pitch and away from your goal as quickly as you can. Play down the flanks to stop the ball moving across the pitch too much, as interceptions in central midfield can be calamitous. Man-mark the opposition’s forwards and wingers with your defenders and play a high back line to ensure the ball stays away from goal and the opposition’s most dangerous players are always assigned a marker. <br><br>To try and grab a goal on the break make sure your wingers are set to zonal marking/low closing down, with forward runs high. Thus, a quick, direct ball down the flanks is likely to be picked up by a winger or a striker, and your team can exploit any space there may be. This is not sexy football, and is designed to stop the other team from playing, so don’t expect wondrous passing moves. It should stop you from being relegated though.</P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>第三章:低质量球队</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>这显然是指你的球队很差,而需要面对很强硬的对手,这时关键是保持你的球员始终在球和球门之间。所以,几乎所有的队员都不能再是正常心态,并且设置低抢逼。可以有一名前锋设置进攻心态和高抢逼,看情况而论。你必须用窄阵型,高速,直传,让球尽快离开你的球门。并且,让球从两翼进攻从而避开中场凶悍的拦截。全力盯住对方的前锋和边前卫,并且保持很靠后的防线,同时保证在任何时候,对方最危险的任务都有人看管。<br>让你的边前卫设置成区域防守/低抢逼,高前插。这样,可以实施快速的边路反击。最后,别期望这场比赛很流畅或者得分,这只是为了阻止不被打败。</FONT></P>
<P><br> </P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-15 21:41:20编辑过]

 楼主| 发表于 2005-11-16 05:35 | 显示全部楼层
<P><STRONG>Framework Four: Jimmy Youn’s Fluid Football<br><br></STRONG>As this is not my tactic, I hope Jimmy won’t mind me using his words.<br><br>‘I use 4-1-3-2, which in my opinion is basically the standard 4-4-2 you see in real life. Why? Because while you may see back four holding a more or less curved line (with DL/DR pushing forward a bit), you are not going to see 4 midfielders drawing a straight (or even slightly) curved line - what you will see is a holding midfielder (if a team plays one) dropping back slightly (but he will nevertheless venture forward when needed) and an attacking midfield falling just behind the strikers (but again, he will nevertheless track back - with good teamwork attribute - even further back than DMC if required). <br><br>Same with your DL/DR and DC relationship - in the match I often find that when the opposition defense hits a long ball to their AMC or striker, my DC often ventures forward to take the ball - when this happens either my DR or DL would draw in more towards middle to cover the gap left by the DC. <br><br>The same applies when my DC tracks the opposition striker/AMC's run to the side of the pitch - my DL or DR would effectively switch the place with DC in order to provide more body down the middle rather than doubling up the opposition striker/winger with DC and leaving a hole in the middle;<br><br>I think it's just basic fact of football that no player can afford to stick with one area/position during the course of 90 minutes (except the keeper) - even for a keeper, when you see RL matches they don't just stay in the box; especially if the back four are pushing forward and long ball comes over above them it's keeper's job to go forward and cut the long ball out before the striker runs on to them (and in this case, your defenders are effectively cutting the run of strikers in the middle of the pitch - and again, when the keeper goes out of box to take care of the long ball flying over back four you will see one of the defenders dropping back into the penalty box).<br><br>Another example I can give is that when you have a very attacking right/left back, when he bomb forward with the ball you will often see your back four becoming three men defense - for example, if your DR overwraps with your MR/AMR and goes to the byline to cross what you will often see at the back is your DL and 2 DCs taking up classic 3 back line (So your DL comes to become your left DC, left side DC becomes central DC, right side DC becomes right DC).<br><br>During the course of the game, you will also see that sometimes your team's pegging the opposition back really deep and both your DL and DR are just outside the penalty area or even deeper - sometimes what you'll see in this case is your DMC dropping back to take up the position between your two DCs, but staying slightly forward.<br><br>I can give countless examples like this - when your strikers goes wide to receive the ball you will see your AMC or AML/AMR running forward/to the centre to take the striker's space while the striker tries to cross the ball.<br><br>Why am I saying all this? Because personally when I see the matches in FM I'm very impressed with the fluidity of movements - of course there are areas to improve, but if anything, it's more realistic than it has ever been. <br><br>I play with 'normal' creativity for ALL my players on the field - even for my DCs &amp; DMCs and I have ALL my players set at 'normal mentality', ALL my players set at 'mixed' passing and ALL my players set at 'mixed' pressing - everyone's doing zonal marking (even my DCs) and i don't do tight marking because my 'tactical theory' is that it's more important to efficiently cover spaces than track all the players - I mean fine, if opposition's making a run to the side of the pitch and I only have my wingback tracking him what's wrong with it? My DCs have plenty of time to get back and take good position to cut out any crosses coming over and my DL/DR push the opposition striker/wingers all the way to the corner flag without making tackle - IMHO it's better to let the opposition come deep with the ball than letting them get BEHIND you under any circumstances’.<br><br>As Jimmy readily acknowledges, this tactic require lots of players with high stamina/pace/decision making/teamwork to make it successful, but it is a valid alternative to my own variations and worth trying if you have the right type of player.<br><br><br>If anyone is interested in reading the posts I used to come up with this stuff, then I would like to direct you to the following.<br><br><br><a href="http://community.sigames.com/groupee/forums/a/tpc/f/1519717/m/6132023071" target="_blank" ><FONT color=#882222>The original thread in which I examined the validity of the match engine.</FONT></A> <br><br><a href="http://community.sigames.com/groupee/forums/a/tpc/f/1519717/m/9792076961" target="_blank" ><FONT color=#882222>Olly Dickinson’s Tactical Discussion</FONT></A> <br><br><br><a href="http://community.sigames.com/groupee/forums/a/tpc/f/1519717/m/3432081271" target="_blank" ><FONT color=#882222>My Thread on Team Talks</FONT></A> My Thread on Team Talks<br><br><br><a href="http://community.sigames.com/groupee/forums/a/tpc/f/1519717/m/7852083171" target="_blank" ><FONT color=#882222>Jep’s Thread on Team Talks</FONT></A> <br><br><br><a href="http://community.sigames.com/groupee/forums/a/tpc/f/1519717/m/1042015371" target="_blank" ><FONT color=#882222>Neonlight's Ajax 4-3-3 Thread</FONT></A> <br><br><br><a href="http://community.sigames.com/groupee/forums/a/tpc/f/1519717/m/8692027471" target="_blank" ><FONT color=#882222>Asmodeus’s Basic 4-4-2 Thread</FONT></A> <br><br><br>There are many others I have used, but I can't remember what they were called, so would like to apologise if anyone feels I am stealing their ideas without mentioniong them.<br><br>I would also like to thank those who contributed to the last thread, especially those who encouraged me and those who challenged my thinking. So thanks to paranoik0, Madger, virtex, Neil Purvis, Skuzzy, Chooney, amaroq, PaulC, Izza, Rosenberg, Asmodeus, golden_goal and Jimmy Youn in particular, but also to all those that have helped and contributed to my last thread. I hope this one will be just as useful and I will learn even more through it.<br><br>Cheers<br><br>wwfan</P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>第四章:Jimmy Youn 的流畅足球</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>Jimmy Youn的话:<br>针对4-1-3-2的阵型(一防守中场,一进攻中场),我经常发现,当中后卫冒险去断传给前锋或者进攻中场的长传球时,边后卫会往当中靠去补位。同样,当中后卫到边路抢截对方前锋或进攻中场时,边后卫会到中后卫的位置上去补位。这样做很合理,因为现实中不可能一个球员90分钟内都在一个区域活动,甚至守门员有时也需要到禁区外。<br>还有一个例子是,当一个助攻很强队员助攻后,剩下的三个后卫将会自然的形成三后卫站位。你还会发现,有时候当大举进攻时,边后卫完全在对方的禁区外一点,这时防守中场会退回去和两个中后卫形成三后卫站位防守。<br>为什么我要说这些呢?因为当我看到FM中的比赛时,我发现是那么的流畅,尽管还有些不足,但比以往都要真实。<br>我玩的时候,把所有的球员设置成正常(normal)的创造力,即使是中后卫和防守中场,所有的队员是正常心态,混合(mixed)传球,正常抢逼,所有的球员都是区域防守,即使是中后卫。这样做的理论是我觉得有效的覆盖场地要比局部抢截更重要,比如对方边前卫边路进攻的时候,我只有一个边后卫防守,但是那有什么错吗?我的中后卫有足够的时间来退放和站位。而且我的边后卫一直不铲球,把对方球员逼到角旗区---永远是宁愿让对方拿球到很深的地方,也不要让对方过了你。</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>Jimmy也承认,这样的策略需要队员有很好体力/速度/决策能力/团体协作能力,你可以在拥有这样的球员时试试看。</FONT></P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-15 21:48:44编辑过]

 楼主| 发表于 2005-11-16 05:35 | 显示全部楼层
<P><STRONG><FONT color=#ff3300>防守战术在6.0.2中将被重写</FONT></STRONG></P>
<P><STRONG><FONT color=#ff0000>还有,在BETA DEMO中出现的切尔西的战术也将出现在6.0.2中</FONT></STRONG></P>
<P><STRONG><FONT color=#ff0000>6.0.2官方还没有给出发布的具体日期,官方的说法是希望在圣诞前能够完成</FONT></STRONG></P>
<P><FONT color=#ff9900><STRONG></STRONG></FONT></P><STRONG><FONT size=3><FONT color=#ff00ff>以下翻译者:</FONT><FONT face=Verdana color=#61b713>DavidColins</FONT></FONT></STRONG></P>
<P>With thanks to Asmodeus for letting me post his theory on defending a lead and his tactical philosophies. You can read more about his findings or download his tactics from <a href="http://community.sigames.com/groupee/forums/a/tpc/f/1519717/m/8692027471" target="_blank" ><FONT color=#882222>Setting Up a Basic 4-4-2 System</FONT></A>. <br><br><br><B>Defending a Lead</B><br><br>I’ve noticed a lot of people on GQ and T &amp; T threads complaining about supposedly “irresistible comebacks”- where the AI seemingly thwarts your tactic that put you three goals up in the first half.<br><br>With the 4-4-2 defensive outline I’ve illustrated above, it’s fairly simple to attain the flexibility needed to repel a fired-up team’s resurgences (obviously if you haven’t read my first post this won’t work, do I suggest that you do! Wink).<br><br>With the defensive four (plus one MC) set to defensive mentality and little creative freedom/closing down via player instructions, it means that you can control the rest of your team via the team instructions. This gives you faster and more accessible tactical flexibility.<br><br>For example, if you go in at half-time two goals to the good, you can set team mentality from attacking to normal. Following the philosophy I’ve illustrated above, you would then logically set your defensive line to the same notch as mentality- which would be normal.<br><br>As you are defending a lead, this would mean your back four would defend a little deeper and be less likely to be hit by balls over the top than before. Lowering your team mentality means that your offensive players (MC/MR/ML and the two strikers), will be less attack-minded and play deeper also, making sure there are no gaps between defence and attack.<br><br>Subsequently as the game goes on further, you can drop the mentality (and defensive line too of course) further. For example, if you grab another cheeky goal, drop team mentality to defensive and defensive line to deep.<br><br>How much you do this depends on how the game is going, so make the choice with your discretion. However, I’ve found that moderation should be used in FM2006, so I’d advise against defending too deep in the same way it’s inadvisable to push the defensive line too far forward.</P>
<P align=left widow-orphan? mso-pagination: left; TEXT-ALIGN: break-all; WORD-BREAK: 0pt; 0cm MARGIN: #f7f7f7;><FONT color=#0000ff>守住胜果 </FONT>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff></FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>很多人都在抱怨比赛时常常会被翻盘。似乎是电脑会针对你的领先进行战术调整。用我前面提到过的防守策略,可以比较容易的防止这种情况的出现。在个人战术调整里将四个后卫(或加上一个防守型中场)设置成防守心态,并降低他们的创造力和逼抢。剩下的位置球员通过球队战术来调整,这样的战术机动性会更快和更方便。比如,你半场领先了2球,可以将整队的心态由进攻转为正常,同时将后防线拉回至正常。因为你需要保住你的胜果,这样做你的后卫们将会较少的压上且位置更靠后,同时你的进攻球员们的攻击心态降低且更考近本方,确保你的防线和中场之间没有断开。随着比赛的进程,你可以将心态和防线调整的更加保守,比如,你又一次反击得手后可以将球队心态调至“defensive”防线调至“deep”。当然,如何调整取决于你具体比赛的进程。然而,我发现仅做适当调整较有效果,我不建议将防线调整的太靠后获压的太前了。</FONT><br><br><br><B>Three Frameworks</B> <br><br><I>Domination</I><br><br>Based on the defensive/offensive units outlined above, with mid/high width and closing down; high tempo and the aforementioned attacking mentality/high defensive line principles. This was my default tactic for starting games, and I would rarely change this until the second half.<br><br><I>Leading</I><br><br>As above, but with team mentality (only affecting the offensive unit as described) down to normal, and subsequently the defensive line down to the same. This was used when one or two goals up (depending upon opposition and circumstance), and maintaining the same short passing/slow tempo possession game to tire the opposition, and allow them less space behind the back four to exploit. I also set time wasting to “mixed”, whereas before it would be set to zero.<br><br><I>Counter</I><br><br>This was the polar opposite of my original tactic, and incorporates what you were talking about wwfan. Drop team mentality/defensive line to “defensive”/”deep” respectively, switch the formation to “narrow” and up the tempo to “quick”. I never stray further away from halfway either side of each slider, as too much leaves too big a gap in your formation as you know. Ticking the counter-attack box, this tactic was designed to soak up attacks and hit teams on the break. I occasionally toyed with the idea of direct passing.<br><br>The main reason I need other users to test this theory is because my current career is with Arsenal, who are obviously an exceptional side. Although originally using all three setups depending on the scoreline and the occasion, I found that with a team of such quality it was only really necessary to drop the mentality and defensive line in relation to each other in order to hold onto a lead. I found that going narrow only lead the opposition AI to play the ball down the flanks (to it’s credit). So, after switching between the three styles above for a while, I eventually settled on just lowering mentality and defensive line only, leaving width, passing and tempo the same, as it most suited my players.<br><br>This is why I am of the opinion that passing, width, tempo and closing down; along with the starting mentality for your attacking players, are all dependent on the players at your disposal. Once you have set up the 5 defensive players in the manner I’ve discussed, then assess your team. Are they the Arsenal-type team that can keep possession over the course of games? If so, go for width, short passing and a slow tempo to control the ball for long periods. If they have the stamina and work-rate etc, make them close down often.<br><br>If you are a relegation struggler, and are incapable of one-touch football, then it would be much more sensible to pack the midfield, narrow the team’s width, up the tempo and play a direct style. </P>
<P align=left><FONT color=#0000ff><FONT size=2>支配<O:P></O:P></FONT></FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff><FONT size=2>建立在上述的进攻/防守策略上,设置成中等或高度的宽度和逼抢;快节奏;进攻心态;防线上压。这是我的开场默认战术,一般很少改动直到中场。<O:P></O:P></FONT></FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff><FONT size=2>领先<O:P></O:P></FONT></FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff><FONT size=2>如前所述,用整队战术调整(只影响负责攻击的单位)心态至正常,防线拖至正常。这是用在领先1、2个球时(取决于对手和具体情况),保持短传、慢节奏、压缩和防线之间的空间。时间设为(混合),如果落后则设为0。<O:P></O:P></FONT></FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff><FONT size=2>反击<O:P></O:P></FONT></FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff><FONT size=2>本来有两个相对的战术,现已合并为wwfan战术。分别调整球队心态和防线至“defensive”/“deep”,阵形设置为窄,节奏快。我从来不会调整超过任意方向一半的位置,很明显这样会造成很大的空档。选上防守反击项,偶尔我会尝试一下设成直传。<O:P></O:P></FONT></FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff><FONT size=2>我需要测试这个战术的主要原因是因为我现在用的是asenal,这是个例外情况。我曾经根据比分和赛况调整所有的设置,但是我发现像这样的强队几乎不需要降低心态和防线去保持领先。我还发现如果将阵形变窄的话,电脑会尝试多走边路(而这正是你的弱处)。有鉴于此,我一般只改变心态和防线,而保持宽度,传球和节奏,结果较适合我的球员们。<O:P></O:P></FONT></FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff><FONT size=2>这是我对传球,宽度、节奏、逼抢设置的观点。开场心态取决于你所拥有的球员,如果他们是像arsenal那样的球队,那么用短传、慢节奏可以获得长时间的控球时间。如果他们的体力和工作效率高的话,逼抢可以设为经常。<O:P></O:P></FONT></FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=5><FONT color=#0000ff size=2>如果是保级球队并且不能处理一脚球的话,那么紧缩宽度、加快节奏、直传将是合理的选择。</FONT><br></FONT></P>
<P><STRONG>On Creative Freedom, Teamwork and Decisions<br><br></STRONG><I>Creative Freedom</I><br><br>Many posts on the forum are of the assumption that the creative freedom slider stops a player from obeying other individual instructions. If it is set high then a player will be more unlikely to do what he is told, if set low then he will adhere to instructions. I believe there are elements of truth to this, but it is not the whole story.<br><br>A player on high creative freedom will inevitably look for options in attack as soon as he gets the ball. If he decides that the creative/killer ball is on he will play it. Sometimes it will come off, sometimes it won't. That is the very nature of creativity in all walks of life. If he decides the creative/killer ball is unfeasible, he will play a safe ball and move into position to try again. Hence, decision making is also key to a truly great creative player. A creative player with good decision making will invariably choose the right time to play the right ball. Other factors will influence whether it comes off, such as the defensive stats of the opposition players trying to intercept the ball/tackle the creative player and the off the ball/decison making stats of the player trying to pick up the pass, but on the whole a player with good creativity/decison making will create chances. Alternatively, a player with good creativity/bad decison making will often try to play unfeasibly difficult balls that will result in interceptions and counter attacking moves as often/more often than creating chances for his own team. When setting instructions for such a player, be aware that giving him total freedom will likely result in you losing possession and having to defend quick countering moves as often as getting into scoring positions yourself.<br><br>Creativity is not flair and must be managed accordingly. A creative player creates chances for others, a flair player creates chances for himself. Thus, whereas a flair player can be closely marked and looking out of the game, only to do something extraordinary and score out of nothing, a creative player needs time and space in which to operate, so he has more opportunity to spot the creative pass. Thus, when positioning a creative player, make sure he is loosly zonal marking with closing down set to a minimum, so that he is always in the maximum amount of space to receive a pass. If he has excellent decision making/teamwork/workrate/off the ball, he could also be assigned a free role, which would allow him to rove about the pitch looking for space and thus become more useful. Creative players are often low on bravery, so can be marked out of the game by hard-men opponents. Be aware of this if you feel your creative player is not performing, and possibly look to play him deeper which will draw his marker out of position and create space in front of him for others to exploit. <br><br>Finally, in terms of creativity for the whole team, be careful setting it too high for too many players. If you do this, too many people will be looking for the killer ball, and your truly creative players will have less opportunity to influence a game. Also, too many passes are likely to be intercepted as they are being hit from unfeasible positions on the pitch, and possesion will turn over almost the second you have the ball. Tweak it high for a few players, and let the others focus on more mundane tasks, such as defending or scoring goals.<br><br><EM>Teamwork<br><br></EM>A player with high teamwork attribute will religiously obey the managers instructions, whether they are appropriate for the situation he is in or not. Teamwork is great when you have applied the optimum settings for the tactical situation your team is in, but will actually be disadvantageous if you have set innapropriate instructions. For example, if you have set closing down to 20 then a player with good teamwork will constantly close down, no matter what position/situation he finds himself in. This is where the maximum or minimum slider settings begin to fail and why moderation must be applied. If a player with high teamwork is told to close down to 20, then he will do it without fail; if he is told to close down often but not always, his decision making becomes more important, as he then has to decide on the appropriate moment to apply the closing dsown instruction.<br><br>A player with low teamwork is obviously more difficult to manage as you can never be sure whether he will obey instructions or not. This will be doubly difficult if he has bad decision making, as he will reguarly do what he wants, no matter if it is a good decision or not. All a manager can do with this sort of player is try to ensure he is in a position that won't cause huge harm to his own team, but where his unpredictableness will sometimes come off and create chances/opportunities to score.<br><br><FONT color=#0000ff>创造力<O:P></O:P></FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>论坛里有不少帖子认为创造力设置过高,会影响这个队员服从其他项个人设置。我相信这有一定道理,但并不完全。<O:P></O:P></FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>一个创造力设为高的球员当他一拿到球,他会本能的寻找可行的进攻机会。如果他决定尝试传有想象力的/形成绝杀的球的话,那他会这么做。如果不适合传这样的球时,他会选择更安全的传球方式,直到跑到合适的位置时再试。因此,对于一个伟大的有创造力的球员来说,判断力也是一个至关重要的因素。一个有好的判断力的创造型球员,总是会在最正确的时间做出最恰当的选择。当然也会受其他一些因素的影响,比如,对方球员的防守属性,有时候会干扰或阻断这样的传球。但总的来说,一个有好的创造力的球员总是会制造出机会来的。另一方面,当这些球员试图传球失败或被对手截断的话,那么你就很容易处于被对手打反击的局面。所以,当设置这样的球员时,你一定要意识到完全给他们自由,结果有可能会让你失去控球时间和被对手反击,得分和失分的几率皆有。<O:P></O:P></FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>创造力不是一个必须被控制的才能。一个创造型的球员为队友创造机会,而一个有天赋的球员为自己创造机会。创造型球员需要时间和空间去寻找发挥的机会。因此,要让他们处于宽松的区域防守和最小的逼抢环境中,从而获得最大的空间发挥想象力。如果,他的盯人/团队合作/工作效率/无球跑位同样出色的话,不妨将其设为自由人,让其游弋在中前场,使其发挥更大的作用。创造型球员通常也较低勇气值,所以很容易被较强的对手盯死。当你发现你的创造型球员没什么表现时,可以将其位置稍拖后,这样可以将盯防他的球员吸引出来,从而为队友创造空间与机会。<O:P></O:P></FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>最后,设置全队的创造力时注意不要设的太高或设置太多人了。这样,太多人尝试绝杀球反而会使队中真正的创造型球员失去影响比赛的机会。仅调高少量球员的创造力,而让其他球员专注与防守或得分去吧。</FONT></P>
<P align=left><FONT color=#0000ff>团队合作<O:P></O:P></FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>一个团队合作属性高的球员会严格遵守教练的设置,无论设置是合适或不合适的。当你作出适合你球队的战术设置时团队合作可以发挥很大的作用,反之亦然。例如,当你让一个高团队合作的队员最大的逼抢时,他真的会不停的去逼抢,不论此时的处于什么位置和情形。所以,为什么一定要适度的调整滑竿,避免将其最大或最小设置。这时,判断力就变的更重要了,使其在适宜的情况下决定逼抢的程度。<O:P></O:P></FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>当球员的团队合作属性低时,他就很难管理了。你很难确定他是否会服从你的战术,如果他同时判断力也很差的话,情况会更糟。教练可以通过对属性的排序很容易的找出这样的球员并确保他们的位置不会出乱子。但是,有时候他们也会创造出意想不到的机会和进球。<br></FONT></P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-12-4 12:17:58编辑过]

 楼主| 发表于 2005-11-16 05:36 | 显示全部楼层
<P><EM>Decision Making<br><br></EM>Decison makingis hugely important in how you instruct a player. The higher the decision making stat, the more mixed instructions you can give him, as you are sure he will take the right option at the right time. Thus, a central defender with good defensive stats and high decison making can be asked to close down to mixed, as you can trust him to apply the instruction when required. A central defender with bad decison making should be told to close down rarely, which will keep him between the striker and the goal and thus make the attacking player try to go past him, rather than committing himself to a rash challenge. This can be applied right down the line for every position on the pitch. If a player has poor decison making, give him firm instructions to do a job; if he has good decision making, trust him to do the right thing. For a winger, for example, you could tell him to choose between through balls and crossing, with them both set to mixed, as you believe he will invariably pick the right option. I could go on and on about this, but I'm sure it is pretty obvious by now.<br><br><br>Cheers for all the positive vibes.<STRONG>On Closing Down<br><br></STRONG>I havene't tested closing down very much, but fortunately somebody else has, the the following is with credit to/permission from HL7. His closing down thread is <a href="http://community.sigames.com/groupee/forums/a/tpc/f/1519717/m/8402053671" target="_blank" ><FONT color=#882222>here.</FONT></A> <br><br><EM>Theory</EM> <br><br>The best way to help out your defense is to have your midfield and strikers close down the man in possesion. This, coupled with hard tackling will frustrate the opposition, givbe them no time on the ball and generally make it easy for your defense to clear up.<br><br>During the game it is important to adapt your tactic around the current circumstance. for example, my Boston side was 1-0 down at home to Chesterfield at half time. Shortly after the restart one of their players was sent off for a second yellow. I changed to a slightly more attacking style, pushed my defense line up accordingly and played a very quick, direct passing. In the end after alot of grafting I managed to put so much pressure on them I won 2-1. Had I played out the game with the same instructions/tactic, I would probably have lost 1-0, or at best equalised.<br><br>Of course, to play a game centered heavily around closing down and breaking up the play, you need to make full use of your subs. your midfield in particular will tire after closing down for long periods, so make sure you have a couple of midfield options open to you on your bench, and keep a close eye on your players condition. It is important to note though that you should never have your defenders on hard tackling or closing down, this will pull them all over the place leaving alot of holes in your formation. Closing down is best used to try and help out the defense where possible.</P>
<P align=left><FONT color=#3300ff>判断力<O:P></O:P></FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#3300ff>判断力对如何设置球员是最重要的。高判断力属性意味着你可以设置更多的混合设置,他会在正确的时间做出正确的选择。一个拥有好的防守能力和判断力的中后卫可以将逼抢设为混合。而判断力差的中后卫就将逼抢设为较低,避免被对方攻击球员轻易过掉。对于判断力高的边路球员你可以让他选择在传中和直塞之间选择,相信他会作出最正确的选择。我会继续这个话题,但我想现在已经很显而易见了。<br></FONT></P>
<P align=left><FONT color=#3300ff>逼抢<O:P></O:P></FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#3300ff>我对逼抢研究的不多,幸运的是已经有人这么做了,以下是来自HL7的心得:<O:P></O:P></FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#3300ff>理论<O:P></O:P></FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#3300ff>帮助防守的最佳方式是让你的中场和前锋们去积极的逼抢。同时运用凶狠的抢断会极大的挫伤对手,让他们没时间合理的出球,同时让你的防守收益。<O:P></O:P></FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#3300ff>根据比赛进程调整战术是非常重要的。有一次,我的Boston半场以0:1落后,下半场开始不久对方一名球员吃到第二张黄牌被罚出场。于是我稍稍调高了进攻心态,将防线前压,加快节奏,直传。最后我2:1赢下了比赛。如果,我什么都不作改变的话,也许我只会平或者输。<O:P></O:P></FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#3300ff>当然, 逼抢太高会导致体力的不足,你需要充分利用你的替补球员,尤其是中场球员,你需要经常观察他们的体力情况。重要的一点是,不要让你的防守球员去逼抢,这会使你的阵形出现很多漏洞。逼抢是用来在需要的时候帮助后卫们防守的最佳方式。</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#3300ff></FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#3300ff><FONT color=#ff00ff size=4><STRONG></STRONG></FONT></FONT> </P>
<P><FONT color=#3300ff><FONT color=#ff00ff size=4><STRONG>以下内容由<FONT face=Verdana color=#61b713>squall516</FONT>翻译</STRONG></FONT></P>
<P></FONT><STRONG>On Positioning/Players Following Instructions<br><br></STRONG>I used to make the mistake in thinking that player sliders, i.e. mentality/closing down/creative freedom were to do with attributes<br>but this is seemingly not the case. These sliders move your players into specific positions on the pitch.<br><br>Previously, I would set a decent defender on a mentality of 5 or 6, believing that he would drop back a little on the pitch. This was never my intention as I actually wanted him to take more advantage of his defensive skills, hence me putting him more on a defensive mentality. With a more defensive mentality the opposite happened from what I wanted. My defenders dropped back some more and thus enlarged the gap between my defence and midfield, creating a lot of space for the opposition strike force. When I adjusted it to a more attacking mentality and upped closing down a little, the attackers didn't have much time and space anymore, which was what I was looking for.<br><br>Maybe this sounds logical to some of you, but my previous interpretation was that a defensive mentality made a defender concentrate on defending more than attacking. When I put it defenders on defensive mentality it only placed them on a more defensive position on the pitch. Maybe I made such a mistake because English is my second langauge (my native tongue is Dutch). I thought it was more of a mental thing and would would make the player focus on his defensive attributes, but it's a physical thing, making him move a litle bit more back or up from his default position.<br><br><EM>Closing Down</EM> <br><br>Closing down makes the player move towards the ball more when chasing. When you have your players on different settings (eg. DCs set to 4; DL and DR set to 8; DMC set to 20; AM L/R and C to 12; SC to 11) it would make the players move into each others zones. For example, the DMC would work his head off moving in to the AMC zone. I realised it did not have much to do with the atributes in the first place (the level of which of course make the difference between success and failure) but such tactical settings only set the amount to which your players are trying.<br><br>So if the settings aren't compatible with each other your tactic won't work.<br><br>I noticed when you put all your defenders on the same CD they will work more as a unit. You can even give them attacking mentalities, something I wouldn't even have tried previously, because of my wrong interpretation. You can put them on different mentality, but not more then 2 or maybe 3 apart.<br><br>A player with good attributes for closing down will still make use of them related to the amount of which you ask him to use them. This is not enitrely set by closing down , but related to tackling and positional attributes too. If you put him on hard tackling he will try to win the ball whenever the player is in his pre-determined Closing Down Zone. To make a DMC close down an AMC, move his mentality so he is close to the AMC, then adjust his closing down instruction related to where/how you want him to close down. That is, 20 everywhere, 1 only in the position where your DMCs default position is. Put his tackling on hard if you want him to fight for every ball in your pre-determined zone and on easy if you only want him to make a tackle if he's sure he'll win it.<br><br><I>Creative Freedom</I> <br><br>Closing down and creative freedom are almost the same. Creative freedom does the same kind of thing to players, with the only difference being that creative freedom is only used when you are in possesion. Thus, it's also vital that your settings of players playing close to each other are almost the same.<br><br>When your most creative man is set to CD 20 and your winger is on normal, your creative man (AMC) reguarly moves into your winger's position, whereas your winger won't move that far from his zone cos his settings are to stay closer to his position. Everybody knows that two players in the same area of the pitch is not good. I made the mistake of thinking it would make your player make more use of his creative ability. Again, I think my reasoning was wrong. These settings are about his position, not his use of his attributes. A player with 20 dribbling, 20 technique, 20 flair will still dribble if set on creative freedom 5, the only difference is he will perform that dribble close to the position he is playing. Someone with more creative freedom will move over the pitch to where the ball is and will have more times in possession then some one with lower creative freedom.<br><br>Again, I have noticed if you put them on similar ratings they do not move into each others zones, even when all are set to higher creative freedom.<br><br><br><br><I>I think Tays has made some interesting assumptions/points, and while I don't 100% agree with all of them, they are certainly worth taking into consideration when thinking about tactics. I feel the most interesting issue he raises is the incompatibility of settings, which I have talked about abstractly, but which he gives a more empirical feel to. It backs up Asmodeus's and my feelings about balance and moderation being the keys to success, in that if you set too extreme instructions players will get in each others way and the formation will collapse.</I><br></P>
<P><FONT color=#3300ff></FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#3300ff>关于安排球员位置的说明</FONT> <br></P>
<P><FONT color=#3300ff>我过去总是错误地以为球员的个人战术设置,换而言之,就是比赛心态/逼抢/即兴发挥自由度是应该根据球员的属性来设置的,但其实不是这样的。在很大程度上这些设置明确了这个球员在场上的位置。 <br>
<P><br>以前,我总会把一个防守球员的心态调到5或者6格,以使他在一定程度上拖后一点。我原以为把他的心态设为防守能更充分地发挥出他的防守能力,但事与愿违。过于防守的心态使我的对手有了可趁之机。我的防守球员因为过于拖后而加大了与中场球员间的空隙,这给对手的锋线创造了很大的空间。当我将防守球员的心态向进攻调整了一点并稍微调高了他们的逼抢后,对方的前锋再也没有那么多的时间和空间了,这正是我需要的! <br>
<P>可能对一些人来说这听起来才是合理的——我以前以为一个防守的心态只是使一个防守球员专注于防守多过于进攻。当我把一个防守球员的心态调到防守时,在一定程度上他的位置就只能偏向于防守。我之前之所以会犯这个错误,可能是因为英语是我的第二语言吧(我的母语是荷兰语)。我以前认为这些调整只会影响这个球员的心态,但事实上这会影响这个球员的站位——比他的默认位置更拖后一点或是更靠前一点。 <br>
<P>(……这个人说了那么多一直在绕弯,一句话概括就是:就算你把你的中后卫心态设置为全力进攻,他也不会跑到前锋位置去,只是比他原来的中后卫位置靠前一点,所以后卫的心态应该调高一点,以免与中场脱节) <br>
<P><br>逼抢 <br>
<P>逼抢决定了你的球员在比赛中追着球跑的程度。当你把不同位置的球员的逼抢都设置成不同的程度时(比如说:DC设置成4格,DR/L设置成8格,DMC设置成20格,AMR/C/L设置成12,SC设置成11),就会使这些球员跑到其他球员的区域上。比如说,DMC就会<br>追球一直追到AMC的位置。我认识到这个设置虽然不是决定比赛胜负的首要因素,但这决定了你在场上卖力踢球的球员的数量。 <br>
<P>因此如果球员间的设置不协调的话,那你的战术也不会生效。 <br>
<P>我注意到如果你把你所有的防守球员的逼抢都设置为同一水平的话,那么他们会表现地更象一个整体。你甚至可以把他们的心态设置为进攻——因为我的错误的理解,这是我以前根本不敢尝试的。你也可以把他们的逼抢程度调成不同的,但不要超过2个或者最多3个球员不一样。 <br>
<P>一个拥有高逼抢属性的球员如果要好好利用他们的能力的话,这就不仅仅包括逼抢设置,还关联到铲球设置和个人能力。如果你让他铲球凶狠的话,那么在他事先决定的逼抢区域中,他会很努力地想要得到球。如果让一个DMC逼抢AMC,首先调整他的心态使他的位置靠近AMC,然后调整他的逼抢指示,比如在什么地方,怎样逼抢。20格就是任何地方都逼抢,1格是只在这个DMC的默认位置进行逼抢。如果你希望让他在事先指定的区域内象个战士般为每个球都战斗到底的话,就把他的铲球调成凶狠;如果你想让他保证每个球都有把握铲下的话,那就把铲球调成文明。 <br>
<P><br>即兴发挥自由度 <br>
<P>逼抢和即兴发挥自由度基本上是一样的。即兴发挥自由度对球员有着相同的影响,唯一不同点体现在控球上。因此,球员之间的空间不应该过大同样重要。 <br>
<P>当你队中最有创造力的球员的逼抢设置成20格,而你的两翼球员的逼抢设置为正常的话,那么这个最有创造力的球员(AMC)就会经常跑到两翼球员的区域中去,然而你的两翼球员并不会离开他们的位置过远,因为他们的设置决定了他们只在他们的位置活动。我们都知道两个球员集中在一个区域中是很不好的。过去我以为这样会使球员更充分的发挥出他的创造力,但是现在我知道我的想法是错误的了。这些设置决定了这个球员的位置,而并不是他使用他创造力的程度。一个技术,盘带,才华都是20的球员即使他的创造力设置为5格,他依然会盘带过人,唯一不同的是他只在属于他自己的区域内盘带。一个拥有高创造力的球员会更多地出现在球所在的地方,并会更多地控制球。 <br>
<P>我还注意到一点:如果你把球员们的即兴发挥自由度全部设置为一样,他们就不会跑到其他球员的位置上去,即使是全部设置为高自由度。 <br>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-12-4 12:22:52编辑过]

发表于 2005-11-16 05:42 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-11-16 17:06 | 显示全部楼层

<P>With thanks to Asmodeus for letting me post his theory on defending a lead and his tactical philosophies. You can read more about his findings or download his tactics from <a href="http://community.sigames.com/groupee/forums/a/tpc/f/1519717/m/8692027471" target="_blank" ><FONT color=#882222>Setting Up a Basic 4-4-2 System</FONT></A>. <BR><BR><BR><B>Defending a Lead</B><BR><BR>I’ve noticed a lot of people on GQ and T &amp; T threads complaining about supposedly “irresistible comebacks”- where the AI seemingly thwarts your tactic that put you three goals up in the first half.<BR><BR>With the 4-4-2 defensive outline I’ve illustrated above, it’s fairly simple to attain the flexibility needed to repel a fired-up team’s resurgences (obviously if you haven’t read my first post this won’t work, do I suggest that you do! Wink).<BR><BR>With the defensive four (plus one MC) set to defensive mentality and little creative freedom/closing down via player instructions, it means that you can control the rest of your team via the team instructions. This gives you faster and more accessible tactical flexibility.<BR><BR>For example, if you go in at half-time two goals to the good, you can set team mentality from attacking to normal. Following the philosophy I’ve illustrated above, you would then logically set your defensive line to the same notch as mentality- which would be normal.<BR><BR>As you are defending a lead, this would mean your back four would defend a little deeper and be less likely to be hit by balls over the top than before. Lowering your team mentality means that your offensive players (MC/MR/ML and the two strikers), will be less attack-minded and play deeper also, making sure there are no gaps between defence and attack.<BR><BR>Subsequently as the game goes on further, you can drop the mentality (and defensive line too of course) further. For example, if you grab another cheeky goal, drop team mentality to defensive and defensive line to deep.<BR><BR>How much you do this depends on how the game is going, so make the choice with your discretion. However, I’ve found that moderation should be used in FM2006, so I’d advise against defending too deep in the same way it’s inadvisable to push the defensive line too far forward.<BR><BR><BR><B>Three Frameworks</B> <BR><BR><I>Domination</I><BR><BR>Based on the defensive/offensive units outlined above, with mid/high width and closing down; high tempo and the aforementioned attacking mentality/high defensive line principles. This was my default tactic for starting games, and I would rarely change this until the second half.<BR><BR><I>Leading</I><BR><BR>As above, but with team mentality (only affecting the offensive unit as described) down to normal, and subsequently the defensive line down to the same. This was used when one or two goals up (depending upon opposition and circumstance), and maintaining the same short passing/slow tempo possession game to tire the opposition, and allow them less space behind the back four to exploit. I also set time wasting to “mixed”, whereas before it would be set to zero.<BR><BR><I>Counter</I><BR><BR>This was the polar opposite of my original tactic, and incorporates what you were talking about wwfan. Drop team mentality/defensive line to “defensive”/”deep” respectively, switch the formation to “narrow” and up the tempo to “quick”. I never stray further away from halfway either side of each slider, as too much leaves too big a gap in your formation as you know. Ticking the counter-attack box, this tactic was designed to soak up attacks and hit teams on the break. I occasionally toyed with the idea of direct passing.<BR><BR>The main reason I need other users to test this theory is because my current career is with Arsenal, who are obviously an exceptional side. Although originally using all three setups depending on the scoreline and the occasion, I found that with a team of such quality it was only really necessary to drop the mentality and defensive line in relation to each other in order to hold onto a lead. I found that going narrow only lead the opposition AI to play the ball down the flanks (to it’s credit). So, after switching between the three styles above for a while, I eventually settled on just lowering mentality and defensive line only, leaving width, passing and tempo the same, as it most suited my players.<BR><BR>This is why I am of the opinion that passing, width, tempo and closing down; along with the starting mentality for your attacking players, are all dependent on the players at your disposal. Once you have set up the 5 defensive players in the manner I’ve discussed, then assess your team. Are they the Arsenal-type team that can keep possession over the course of games? If so, go for width, short passing and a slow tempo to control the ball for long periods. If they have the stamina and work-rate etc, make them close down often.<BR><BR>If you are a relegation struggler, and are incapable of one-touch football, then it would be much more sensible to pack the midfield, narrow the team’s width, up the tempo and play a direct style.</P><STRONG>On Creative Freedom, Teamwork and Decisions<BR><BR></STRONG><I>Creative Freedom</I><BR><BR>Many posts on the forum are of the assumption that the creative freedom slider stops a player from obeying other individual instructions. If it is set high then a player will be more unlikely to do what he is told, if set low then he will adhere to instructions. I believe there are elements of truth to this, but it is not the whole story.<BR><BR>A player on high creative freedom will inevitably look for options in attack as soon as he gets the ball. If he decides that the creative/killer ball is on he will play it. Sometimes it will come off, sometimes it won't. That is the very nature of creativity in all walks of life. If he decides the creative/killer ball is unfeasible, he will play a safe ball and move into position to try again. Hence, decision making is also key to a truly great creative player. A creative player with good decision making will invariably choose the right time to play the right ball. Other factors will influence whether it comes off, such as the defensive stats of the opposition players trying to intercept the ball/tackle the creative player and the off the ball/decison making stats of the player trying to pick up the pass, but on the whole a player with good creativity/decison making will create chances. Alternatively, a player with good creativity/bad decison making will often try to play unfeasibly difficult balls that will result in interceptions and counter attacking moves as often/more often than creating chances for his own team. When setting instructions for such a player, be aware that giving him total freedom will likely result in you losing possession and having to defend quick countering moves as often as getting into scoring positions yourself.<BR><BR>Creativity is not flair and must be managed accordingly. A creative player creates chances for others, a flair player creates chances for himself. Thus, whereas a flair player can be closely marked and looking out of the game, only to do something extraordinary and score out of nothing, a creative player needs time and space in which to operate, so he has more opportunity to spot the creative pass. Thus, when positioning a creative player, make sure he is loosly zonal marking with closing down set to a minimum, so that he is always in the maximum amount of space to receive a pass. If he has excellent decision making/teamwork/workrate/off the ball, he could also be assigned a free role, which would allow him to rove about the pitch looking for space and thus become more useful. Creative players are often low on bravery, so can be marked out of the game by hard-men opponents. Be aware of this if you feel your creative player is not performing, and possibly look to play him deeper which will draw his marker out of position and create space in front of him for others to exploit. <BR><BR>Finally, in terms of creativity for the whole team, be careful setting it too high for too many players. If you do this, too many people will be looking for the killer ball, and your truly creative players will have less opportunity to influence a game. Also, too many passes are likely to be intercepted as they are being hit from unfeasible positions on the pitch, and possesion will turn over almost the second you have the ball. Tweak it high for a few players, and let the others focus on more mundane tasks, such as defending or scoring goals.<BR><BR><I>Teamwork</I><BR><BR>A player with high teamwork attribute will religiously obey the managers instructions, whether they are appropriate for the situation he is in or not. Teamwork is great when you have applied the optimum settings for the tactical situation your team is in, but will actually be disadvantageous if you have set innapropriate instructions. For example, if you have set closing down to 20 then a player with good teamwork will constantly close down, no matter what position/situation he finds himself in. This is where the maximum or minimum slider settings begin to fail and why moderation must be applied. If a player with high teamwork is told to close down to 20, then he will do it without fail; if he is told to close down often but not always, his decision making becomes more important, as he then has to decide on the appropriate moment to apply the closing dsown instruction.<BR><BR>A player with low teamwork is obviously more difficult to manage as you can never be sure whether he will obey instructions or not. This will be doubly difficult if he has bad decision making, as he will reguarly do what he wants, no matter if it is a good decision or not. All a manager can do with this sort of player is try to ensure he is in a position that won't cause huge harm to his own team, but where his unpredictableness will sometimes come off and create chances/opportunities to score.<BR><BR><I>Decision Making</I><BR><BR>Decison makingis hugely important in how you instruct a player. The higher the decision making stat, the more mixed instructions you can give him, as you are sure he will take the right option at the right time. Thus, a central defender with good defensive stats and high decison making can be asked to close down to mixed, as you can trust him to apply the instruction when required. A central defender with bad decison making should be told to close down rarely, which will keep him between the striker and the goal and thus make the attacking player try to go past him, rather than committing himself to a rash challenge. This can be applied right down the line for every position on the pitch. If a player has poor decison making, give him firm instructions to do a job; if he has good decision making, trust him to do the right thing. For a winger, for example, you could tell him to choose between through balls and crossing, with them both set to mixed, as you believe he will invariably pick the right option. I could go on and on about this, but I'm sure it is pretty obvious by now.<BR><BR><BR>Cheers for all the positive vibes.<STRONG>On Closing Down<BR><BR></STRONG>I havene't tested closing down very much, but fortunately somebody else has, the the following is with credit to/permission from HL7. His closing down thread is <a href="http://community.sigames.com/groupee/forums/a/tpc/f/1519717/m/8402053671" target="_blank" ><FONT color=#882222>here.</FONT></A> <BR><BR><I>Theory</I> <BR><BR>The best way to help out your defense is to have your midfield and strikers close down the man in possesion. This, coupled with hard tackling will frustrate the opposition, givbe them no time on the ball and generally make it easy for your defense to clear up.<BR><BR>During the game it is important to adapt your tactic around the current circumstance. for example, my Boston side was 1-0 down at home to Chesterfield at half time. Shortly after the restart one of their players was sent off for a second yellow. I changed to a slightly more attacking style, pushed my defense line up accordingly and played a very quick, direct passing. In the end after alot of grafting I managed to put so much pressure on them I won 2-1. Had I played out the game with the same instructions/tactic, I would probably have lost 1-0, or at best equalised.<BR><BR>Of course, to play a game centered heavily around closing down and breaking up the play, you need to make full use of your subs. your midfield in particular will tire after closing down for long periods, so make sure you have a couple of midfield options open to you on your bench, and keep a close eye on your players condition. It is important to note though that you should never have your defenders on hard tackling or closing down, this will pull them all over the place leaving alot of holes in your formation. Closing down is best used to try and help out the defense where possible.<BR><BR><I>Framework</I><BR><BR>Tested using a 4-1-3-2 with Boston, team instructions as follows;<BR><BR>Mentality - Normal (dead centre).<BR>Creative Freedom - Little (4 notches).<BR>Tackling - Hard.<BR>Closing Down - Often (midway between normal and full).<BR>Tempo - Slow (4 notches).<BR>Time Wasting - Often (nearly full).<BR>Passing - Direct (same as closing down).<BR>Width - Narrow (same as tempo).<BR>distribution (mixed).<BR><BR>Use a target man as well, with the distribution set to run onto the ball.<BR><BR>The player instructions are the same as team unless stated:<BR><BR>All defenders have; Mentality (Defensive - 5 notches), Tackling (Normal), Closing Down (Rarely - 4 notches), no forward runs, no crossing, no running with ball, no long shots, no throgh balls.<BR><BR>DMC; Mentality (Defensive - 5 notches), no forward runs, no crossing, no running with ball, no long shots, no through balls.<BR><BR>Wingers; Mentality (Attacking - 5 past normal), forward runs, crossing, run with ball, no long shots, no through balls.<BR><BR>MC; Mentality (Atticking - 5 past normal), forward runs.<BR><BR>Right sided striker; Mentality (Attacking - 5 past normal), forward runs.<BR><BR>Left sided striker; Mentality (Defensive - first defensive notch).<BR><BR>I came up with this system after watching chelsea play, I saw that they broke up play and frustrated their opposition in order to gain an advantage. I feel that with time wasting (diving, hitting ball out of play, shirt pulling etc.) coupled with hard tackling and closing down you can acheive the same effect. You can swarm the opposition, and really wind them up to the point where you can dominate teams that are normally superior to you.<BR><BR>I also find that over the course of the game, I lower closing down slightly, but due to the dominating effect my teams had in the first 60 minutes that I can maintain my lead effectively. <BR><BR><I>Caution When Employing High Closing Down on Patch 6.0.1</I><BR><BR>As posted by <a href="http://community.sigames.com/groupee/forums?a=tpc&amp;s=21019056&amp;f=521102691&amp;m=4872002671&amp;r=1132014671#1132014671" target="_blank" ><FONT color=#882222>PaulC</FONT></A> : For what its worth, I believe the main cause of comebacks is a failure to recognise player tiredness and a failure to adjust tactics to counter the AI tactical changes. <B>Condition</B> btw is too harsh and will be adjusted for patch 6.0.2 and I believe that will all but eradicate the "problem" as long as one's tactics arent too foolhardy. <BR><BR>Thanks again to HL7 for letting me use this.
<P>The best recent development on the forum is the huge number of threads offering alternate/additional theories/frameworks to the ones I have posted here. It means I don't have to think/work so hard any more, which has always been my long term ambition in life. Anyway, here is another great read, <a href="http://community.sigames.com/groupee/forums/a/tpc/f/1519717/m/7832094671" target="_blank" ><FONT color=#882222>originally posted by Tays</FONT></A>.<BR><BR><BR></P>
发表于 2005-11-16 17:08 | 显示全部楼层
<STRONG>On Positioning/Players Following Instructions<BR><BR></STRONG>I used to make the mistake in thinking that player sliders, i.e. mentality/closing down/creative freedom were to do with attributes<BR>but this is seemingly not the case. These sliders move your players into specific positions on the pitch.<BR><BR>Previously, I would set a decent defender on a mentality of 5 or 6, believing that he would drop back a little on the pitch. This was never my intention as I actually wanted him to take more advantage of his defensive skills, hence me putting him more on a defensive mentality. With a more defensive mentality the opposite happened from what I wanted. My defenders dropped back some more and thus enlarged the gap between my defence and midfield, creating a lot of space for the opposition strike force. When I adjusted it to a more attacking mentality and upped closing down a little, the attackers didn't have much time and space anymore, which was what I was looking for.<BR><BR>Maybe this sounds logical to some of you, but my previous interpretation was that a defensive mentality made a defender concentrate on defending more than attacking. When I put it defenders on defensive mentality it only placed them on a more defensive position on the pitch. Maybe I made such a mistake because English is my second langauge (my native tongue is Dutch). I thought it was more of a mental thing and would would make the player focus on his defensive attributes, but it's a physical thing, making him move a litle bit more back or up from his default position.<BR><BR><EM>Closing Down</EM> <BR><BR>Closing down makes the player move towards the ball more when chasing. When you have your players on different settings (eg. DCs set to 4; DL and DR set to 8; DMC set to 20; AM L/R and C to 12; SC to 11) it would make the players move into each others zones. For example, the DMC would work his head off moving in to the AMC zone. I realised it did not have much to do with the atributes in the first place (the level of which of course make the difference between success and failure) but such tactical settings only set the amount to which your players are trying.<BR><BR>So if the settings aren't compatible with each other your tactic won't work.<BR><BR>I noticed when you put all your defenders on the same CD they will work more as a unit. You can even give them attacking mentalities, something I wouldn't even have tried previously, because of my wrong interpretation. You can put them on different mentality, but not more then 2 or maybe 3 apart.<BR><BR>A player with good attributes for closing down will still make use of them related to the amount of which you ask him to use them. This is not enitrely set by closing down , but related to tackling and positional attributes too. If you put him on hard tackling he will try to win the ball whenever the player is in his pre-determined Closing Down Zone. To make a DMC close down an AMC, move his mentality so he is close to the AMC, then adjust his closing down instruction related to where/how you want him to close down. That is, 20 everywhere, 1 only in the position where your DMCs default position is. Put his tackling on hard if you want him to fight for every ball in your pre-determined zone and on easy if you only want him to make a tackle if he's sure he'll win it.<BR><BR><I>Creative Freedom</I> <BR><BR>Closing down and creative freedom are almost the same. Creative freedom does the same kind of thing to players, with the only difference being that creative freedom is only used when you are in possesion. Thus, it's also vital that your settings of players playing close to each other are almost the same.<BR><BR>When your most creative man is set to CD 20 and your winger is on normal, your creative man (AMC) reguarly moves into your winger's position, whereas your winger won't move that far from his zone cos his settings are to stay closer to his position. Everybody knows that two players in the same area of the pitch is not good. I made the mistake of thinking it would make your player make more use of his creative ability. Again, I think my reasoning was wrong. These settings are about his position, not his use of his attributes. A player with 20 dribbling, 20 technique, 20 flair will still dribble if set on creative freedom 5, the only difference is he will perform that dribble close to the position he is playing. Someone with more creative freedom will move over the pitch to where the ball is and will have more times in possession then some one with lower creative freedom.<BR><BR>Again, I have noticed if you put them on similar ratings they do not move into each others zones, even when all are set to higher creative freedom.<BR><BR><BR><BR><I>I think Tays has made some interesting assumptions/points, and while I don't 100% agree with all of them, they are certainly worth taking into consideration when thinking about tactics. I feel the most interesting issue he raises is the incompatibility of settings, which I have talked about abstractly, but which he gives a more empirical feel to. It backs up Asmodeus's and my feelings about balance and moderation being the keys to success, in that if you set too extreme instructions players will get in each others way and the formation will collapse.</I>
<P><EM></EM> </P>
发表于 2005-11-16 17:11 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-11-16 19:05 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2005-11-16 20:42 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>jojocarter</I>在2005-11-16 11:05:00的发言:</B><BR>
发表于 2005-11-16 22:18 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>beckhamwu81</I>在2005-11-16 12:42:00的发言:</B><br><br>
<P><a href="http://bbs.cmfans.cn/viewthread.php?tid=103367&amp;extra=page%3D1" target="_blank" >http://bbs.cmfans.cn/viewthread.php?tid=103367&amp;extra=page%3D1</A></P><br>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-16 14:33:41编辑过]

发表于 2005-11-16 22:25 | 显示全部楼层
楼主这篇是 在FMFANS里面发过的精华帖子 转贴的时候建议写上转载fmfans
发表于 2005-11-16 22:47 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>beckhamwu81</I>在2005-11-16 12:42:00的发言:</B><BR><BR>
<P><a href="http://bbs.cmfans.cn/viewthread.php?tid=103367&amp;extra=page%3D1" target="_blank" >http://bbs.cmfans.cn/viewthread.php?tid=103367&amp;extra=page%3D1</A></P>
 楼主| 发表于 2005-11-16 23:17 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>jojocarter</I>在2005-11-16 14:47:00的发言:</B><BR><BR>
<P>无所谓啦,大家都是FM的Fans,主要为了交流,大家也可以去我的CMFans帖子看看。有我后面自己的体会。 <BR>
<P><a href="http://bbs.cmfans.cn/viewthread.php?tid=103367&amp;extra=page%3D1" target="_blank" >http://bbs.cmfans.cn/viewthread.php?tid=103367&amp;extra=page%3D1</A></P></DIV>
发表于 2005-11-17 07:59 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-11-17 15:23 | 显示全部楼层
<P><STRONG><FONT color=#f70909>续一点</FONT></STRONG></P>
<P><STRONG>Defending a Lead<br><br></STRONG>I’ve noticed a lot of people on GQ and T &amp; T threads complaining about supposedly “irresistible comebacks”- where the AI seemingly thwarts your tactic that put you three goals up in the first half.<br><br>With the 4-4-2 defensive outline I’ve illustrated above, it’s fairly simple to attain the flexibility needed to repel a fired-up team’s resurgences (obviously if you haven’t read my first post this won’t work, do I suggest that you do! Wink).<br><br>With the defensive four (plus one MC) set to defensive mentality and little creative freedom/closing down via player instructions, it means that you can control the rest of your team via the team instructions. This gives you faster and more accessible tactical flexibility.<br><br>For example, if you go in at half-time two goals to the good, you can set team mentality from attacking to normal. Following the philosophy I’ve illustrated above, you would then logically set your defensive line to the same notch as mentality- which would be normal.<br><br>As you are defending a lead, this would mean your back four would defend a little deeper and be less likely to be hit by balls over the top than before. Lowering your team mentality means that your offensive players (MC/MR/ML and the two strikers), will be less attack-minded and play deeper also, making sure there are no gaps between defence and attack.<br><br>Subsequently as the game goes on further, you can drop the mentality (and defensive line too of course) further. For example, if you grab another cheeky goal, drop team mentality to defensive and defensive line to deep.<br><br>How much you do this depends on how the game is going, so make the choice with your discretion. However, I’ve found that moderation should be used in FM2006, so I’d advise against defending too deep in the same way it’s inadvisable to push the defensive line too far forward.</P>
<P align=left widow-orphan? mso-pagination: left; TEXT-ALIGN: break-all; WORD-BREAK: 0pt; 0cm MARGIN: #f7f7f7;><FONT color=#3c3cc4>守住胜果</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#3333cc>很多人都在抱怨比赛时常常会被翻盘。似乎是电脑会针对你的领先进行战术调整。用我前面提到过的防守策略,可以比较容易的防止这种情况的出现。在个人战术调整里将四个后卫(或加上一个防守型中场)设置成防守心态,并降低他们的创造力和逼抢。剩下的位置球员通过球队战术来调整,这样的战术机动性会更快和更方便。比如,你半场领先了2球,可以将整队的心态由进攻转为正常,同时将后防线拉回至正常。因为你需要保住你的胜果,这样做你的后卫们将会较少的压上且位置更靠后,同时你的进攻球员们的攻击心态降低且更考近本方,确保你的防线和中场之间没有断开。随着比赛的进程,你可以将心态和防线调整的更加保守,比如,你又一次反击得手后可以将球队心态调至“defensive”防线调至“deep”。当然,如何调整取决于你具体比赛的进程。然而,我发现仅做适当调整较有效果,我不建议将防线调整的太靠后获压的太前了。</FONT></P>
<P><STRONG>Three Frameworks</STRONG> <br><br><I>Domination</I><br><br>Based on the defensive/offensive units outlined above, with mid/high width and closing down; high tempo and the aforementioned attacking mentality/high defensive line principles. This was my default tactic for starting games, and I would rarely change this until the second half.<br><br><I>Leading</I><br><br>As above, but with team mentality (only affecting the offensive unit as described) down to normal, and subsequently the defensive line down to the same. This was used when one or two goals up (depending upon opposition and circumstance), and maintaining the same short passing/slow tempo possession game to tire the opposition, and allow them less space behind the back four to exploit. I also set time wasting to “mixed”, whereas before it would be set to zero.<br><br><I>Counter</I><br><br>This was the polar opposite of my original tactic, and incorporates what you were talking about wwfan. Drop team mentality/defensive line to “defensive”/”deep” respectively, switch the formation to “narrow” and up the tempo to “quick”. I never stray further away from halfway either side of each slider, as too much leaves too big a gap in your formation as you know. Ticking the counter-attack box, this tactic was designed to soak up attacks and hit teams on the break. I occasionally toyed with the idea of direct passing.<br><br>The main reason I need other users to test this theory is because my current career is with Arsenal, who are obviously an exceptional side. Although originally using all three setups depending on the scoreline and the occasion, I found that with a team of such quality it was only really necessary to drop the mentality and defensive line in relation to each other in order to hold onto a lead. I found that going narrow only lead the opposition AI to play the ball down the flanks (to it’s credit). So, after switching between the three styles above for a while, I eventually settled on just lowering mentality and defensive line only, leaving width, passing and tempo the same, as it most suited my players.<br><br>This is why I am of the opinion that passing, width, tempo and closing down; along with the starting mentality for your attacking players, are all dependent on the players at your disposal. Once you have set up the 5 defensive players in the manner I’ve discussed, then assess your team. Are they the Arsenal-type team that can keep possession over the course of games? If so, go for width, short passing and a slow tempo to control the ball for long periods. If they have the stamina and work-rate etc, make them close down often.<br><br>If you are a relegation struggler, and are incapable of one-touch football, then it would be much more sensible to pack the midfield, narrow the team’s width, up the tempo and play a direct style. </P><FONT color=#3333cc>
<P align=left><FONT size=5>支配<o:p></o:p></FONT></P>
<P align=left><FONT size=5>建立在上述的进攻/防守策略上,设置成中等或高度的宽度和逼抢;快节奏;进攻心态;防线上压。这是我的开场默认战术,一般很少改动直到中场。<o:p></o:p></FONT></P>
<P align=left><FONT size=5></FONT></P>
<P align=left><FONT size=5>领先<o:p></o:p></FONT></P>
<P align=left><FONT size=5>如前所述,用整队战术调整(只影响负责攻击的单位)心态至正常,防线拖至正常。这是用在领先1、2个球时(取决于对手和具体情况),保持短传、慢节奏、压缩和防线之间的空间。时间设为(混合),如果落后则设为0。<o:p></o:p></FONT></P>
<P align=left><o:p><FONT size=5></FONT></o:p></P>
<P align=left><FONT size=5>反击<o:p></o:p></FONT></P>
<P align=left><FONT size=5>本来有两个相对的战术,现已合并为wwfan战术。分别调整球队心态和防线至“defensive”/“deep”,阵形设置为窄,节奏快。我从来不会调整超过任意方向一半的位置,很明显这样会造成很大的空档。选上防守反击项,偶尔我会尝试一下设成直传。<o:p></o:p></FONT></P>
<P align=left><FONT size=5></FONT></P>
<P align=left><FONT size=5>我需要测试这个战术的主要原因是因为我现在用的是asenal,这是个例外情况。我曾经根据比分和赛况调整所有的设置,但是我发现像这样的强队几乎不需要降低心态和防线去保持领先。我还发现如果将阵形变窄的话,电脑会尝试多走边路(而这正是你的弱处)。有鉴于此,我一般只改变心态和防线,而保持宽度,传球和节奏,结果较适合我的球员们。<o:p></o:p></FONT></P>
<P align=left><o:p><FONT size=5></FONT></o:p></P>
<P align=left><FONT size=5>这是我对传球,宽度、节奏、逼抢设置的观点。开场心态取决于你所拥有的球员,如果他们是像arsenal那样的球队,那么用短传、慢节奏可以获得长时间的控球时间。如果他们的体力和工作效率高的话,逼抢可以设为经常。<o:p></o:p></FONT></P>
<P align=left><FONT size=5>如果是保级球队并且不能处理一脚球的话,那么紧缩宽度、加快节奏、直传将是合理的选择。<br><br></FONT>(休息一会,如有需要晚上继续翻)。<br><br></P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-17 8:30:10编辑过]

发表于 2005-11-17 17:12 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>beckhamwu81</I>在2005-11-15 21:34:00的发言:</B><BR>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>传球(passing)</FONT></P>
<P>So for example if someone has 4 for passing this doesn't mean that you should give him (4) short passing on the game. </P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>比如,一个传球只有4的人,并不意味着你应该让他在比赛中设置成短传第四格(4)。</FONT><BR></P></DIV>
<P>对于这句的翻译我有点小异议,give him (4) short passing on the game()里的4不是4格的意思,而是特指一下pass为4的那个人,一般括号里的东西都是注释前面的东西,翻译的时候为了避免困扰可以暂时不看直接前后连在一起翻,这是一个小窍门,因此翻译应为:“这就意味着你不应当将他(传球为4)在比赛中的传球方式设置为短传”如果有不不正确的地方请大家指正。 : )</P>
 楼主| 发表于 2005-11-17 18:49 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>didibluetrue</I>在2005-11-17 9:12:00的发言:</B><BR><BR>
<P>对于这句的翻译我有点小异议,give him (4) short passing on the game()里的4不是4格的意思,而是特指一下pass为4的那个人,一般括号里的东西都是注释前面的东西,翻译的时候为了避免困扰可以暂时不看直接前后连在一起翻,这是一个小窍门,因此翻译应为:“这就意味着你不应当将他(传球为4)在比赛中的传球方式设置为短传”如果有不不正确的地方请大家指正。 : )</P></DIV>
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