狐疑 发表于 2018-3-16 00:06

[FM18 Skin] YTS2 Skin (v2 released: 16/3/18)

Please read before commenting:

Built purely for 1920x1080 monitor resolutions, do not use if your monitor differs. There won't be a low res. version.
Known issues with the match caption text re-colouring and the match tactical overview icons re-appearing. I can advise on how to remove but I'm unable to rectify.
Please use the forum's search function before asking any questions (although bug reports are welcome)
Please don't ask me to dissect my skin after putting it together, again make the most of the resources already within the forum.
You will need the Vitrex city pack to enable the city pics on the club overview, available from fmscout.
Incompatible with the front of kits download (i.e. Flut's pack and addition). The City pics use this coding instead.
I'll likely ignore any comments which ignore this.

Your Team’s Skin 2

Custom skin for Football Manager 2018. Built solely for 1920×1080 resolution monitors. Please do not attempt to use on any other systems.

Additions/customised pages

background selector with opacity increase option
match tv logo selector
instant result button
Premier League style match-day panels
match intro selector, inspired by many of the Europe’s top leagues
player overview
staff overviews
club overview
match preview
social media page
news page
tactical overview pages


链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1VmRZzYlTRwGtwM4kCyCO4g 密码:qmlr

StevenSky 发表于 2018-3-16 17:23

很喜欢这款推特界面的设计 但是这款皮肤在球员属性界面显示不了隐藏 请问如果我想自己修改的话应该怎么改?
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查看完整版本: [FM18 Skin] YTS2 Skin (v2 released: 16/3/18)